Navan resident stabbed to death in Finglas

The Navan community is mourning the loss of another young life in violent circumstances following the death of 21-year-old Maurice Martin from Silverlawn. Mr Martin"s body was found on a grass verge in Finglas, Dublin, in the early hours of last Friday morning. It is understood that he had been stabbed. His body was found at the junction of Cardiffsbridge Road and Tolka Valley Road in Finglas at about 5am by a taxi driver who alerted Gardai. A post mortem examination was carried out by the State Pathologist and the scene was examined by the Garda Technical Bureau. Mr Martin was originally from Finglas but had lived at Silverlawn in Navan with his family for several years. It is reported that he worked as a carpenter. It is believed that he was socialising in Dublin on Thursday night and may have gone on to a house party in the Finglas area. The circumstances around his death are being investigated by Finglas Gardai. A photograph has been released by Gardai in a bid to establish his last movements and Gardai are hoping that those who were socialising with him on Thursday night/Friday morning will contact them. Anyone with an information is being asked to contact Finglas Garda Station on (01) 666 7500. Mr Martin"s death comes just weeks after the violent death of David (DJ) Sharkey in the same area of Dublin. Mr Sharkey"s body was found in the boot of his BMW car at a halting site in Finglas. A man has been charged with his murder.