North East-Against Incineration to hold meeting in Nobber Hall

The North-East Against Incineration (NEAI) group will hold a public meeting in Nobber Hall at 9pm tomorrow night (Thursday). The meeting has been called to discuss submissions against the latest application by College Proteins to build a meat and bonemeal incinerator at its plant on the College Road in Nobber. Anyone who sent in a submission to the previous application and those who would like to make a submission to this latest application are invited to come along to the information meeting. Last year, 170 submissions were made against the proposed incinerator development and John Keogan, secretary of NEAI, said that each and every one of the submissions were vitally important. 'We need to show the same strength this time as well,' he said. 'There are different issues we have to discuss and anyone who sent in a submission previously should come along to the meeting on Thursday and anyone who is interested in making a submission should also come along,' said Mr Keogan. An oral hearing held by an Bord Pleanala into the proposal was dramatically postponed last October after it emerged that five acres of land included in the application were not in the ownership of College Proteins and the firm then withdrew its application. A fresh application was lodged last month for the biomass combined heat and power (CHP) plant that the company says will generate eight megawatts of electricity. The development also includes an associated ash landfill. The last day for receipt of submissions by an Board Pleanala is 2nd July 2009.