Oldcastle woman at Concern launch

Oldcastle woman Catherine Clarke was among the invited guests at the launch "Women of Concern" which took place recently in The Atrium at the Chester Beatty Library, Dublin Castle. Women from all areas of life gathered together to hear about the work of Concern Worldwide with women in some of the world"s poorest countries, and to hear Concern"s stories of hope and aspiration. MC on the evening was RTE"s Miriam O"Callaghan, who was joined by speakers Nora Owen, Concern council member and former Justice Minister as well as Angela O"Neill de Guilio, Concern regional director for Southern Africa. Other ambassadors for "Women of Concern" who were in attendance included Amy Humberman, Darina Allen, Marian Keyes and Ivana Bacik. The aim of the group is to inspire women across Ireland to come together and support and empower vulnerable women in the developing world. Three areas where Concern"s work is making a positive impact on the lives of women were showcased on the evening, specifically; work that provides education for girls in Bangladesh, microfinance for women in Haiti and work that targets gender based violence in Ethiopia. The event was sponsored by an anonymous benefactor whilst ladies in attendance were treated to a goodie bag courtesy of Clarins before leaving.