ONLINE: The way forward for counselling

A Dublin team of counsellors and psychotherapists are working to beat the recession blues by setting up an economical and efficient way for individuals to access help for their difficulties. has recently been launched in an effort to offer a fully confidential, professional, yet economical means of therapy to those suffering the effects of the economic recession and other difficulties. Due to the pressures of the current recession, many people are experiencing unprecedented levels of anxiety and stress in their relationships, home and working environments. are a team of qualified and accredited therapists (Irish Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy), with specific training in online counselling, committed to offering a quality and professional service using the medium of the internet. It is hoped that providing this comprehensive service will reach individuals who may not avail of therapy due to lifestyle commitments, economic considerations or a feeling that face to face work may not be for them. In a matter of a few years, the internet has consolidated itself as a very powerful platform that has changed the way we do business, and the way we communicate. The online community has seen phenomenal growth in recent years with statistics from Europe showing a near 300% increase between the years 2000 - 2008. ( Using the Internet as a medium to conduct counselling is a growing area in both the US and UK. Because of this, the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy ( and the International Society for Mental Health Online ( have designed ethical guidelines for counsellors and therapists working online. A recent article in Eisteach, the quarterly journal of the Irish Association of Counselling & Psychotherapy (IACP), cites the growing interest in the internet as a source of help-seeking for mental health related issues. It states 'Of particular importance is the development of credible and accessible platforms that can enable health professionals to extend their services into the online environment. …. This can only serve to increase the chances for online help-seekers to obtain reliable and quality information and services within an environment in which they are comfortable.' (Osborn, A: Eisteach, Spring 2009). Previously, counselling and psychotherapy has been conducted face to face only. Online counselling is a relatively new medium for offering personal support. This form of counselling is not for everyone, and is not intended to replace face-to-face counselling or therapy, especially if you are already working with a counsellor or therapist. However many find online counselling is just what they need to fit in with a busy lifestyle and receive support for a variety of problems and issues. Advantages of Online Counselling/Psychotherapy: You can communicate freely about sensitive or embarrassing issues. You can engage in therapy in the comfort of your own home or in a location where you have access to a computer and are able to ensure your privacy. Online Counselling can take place during the day or evening, at a time to suit you. It is easily accessible, especially for those who cannot, or choose not, to leave their home to seek counselling. You will have time to reflect on your writing and the responses given, and to keep email exchanges from your online counselling. It is affordable and can fit around non-regular hours if you have a busy life style or if you work shifts You won't have to wait for an appointment, which at times can take weeks to arrange for private face to face counselling Online counselling can help if you feel uncomfortable about counselling and feel there is a stigma attached to seeking counselling support. has been established in 2009 to provide consumers with a wider choice in the way they handle their personal difficulties. On offer is a choice of email (both encrypted and standard) and live chat. * * * * * If you would like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview with any of the team, please call the numbers listed below or contact us at Contact: Declan Fitzpatrick (00353 87 6858854) Eoin Stephens (00 353 86 3814366) Jean Notaro, (00 353 87 2835109).