Meath seeking semi-final spot

Words like 'sensational" can often be over-used when it comes to sport. However, it was a term that aptly describes Meath"s achievement in defeating Antrim in the All-Ireland Junior Camogie Championship towards the end of June. Yet John Davis and his charges proved well capable of doing the business and now they will be looking to maintain their momentum against Laois at O"Moore Park, Portlaoise on Saturday, 5.0. This match is the curtain-raiser to the All-Ireland SHC qualifier between Laois and Antrim, 7.0. If Meath win they will ensure themselves a place in the All-Ireland semi-final, which would be quite an achievement. Manager Davis has a proven time and again that he can motivate players and he certainly had the Royal County girls in the right frame of mind to tackle the considerable challenge presented by the Ulster side. Laois are sure to prove to be at least as formidable, particularly on their own patch. Even if Meath lose on Saturday they are not out although their fate would no longer be in their own hands. Davis will not want it to come that and Meath"s cause will be considerably strengthened for the Laois game if Jane Dolan is available. His side made a barnstorming start against Antrim with an early goal from Elizabeth Lynch, who went on to rack up 2-4. The Meath defence stood tall against late Antrim pressure and they will need to be on full alert again this time around if a place in the last four is to be secured. Laois defeated Meath twice in 2007 however, if the Royal County girls can maintain the tempo they set in the early stages against Antrim they can turn the tables this time around.