Oldcastle fundraiser for Alzheimer"s centre minibus

A highly enjoyable and entertaining fundraising variety concert took place recently in the Show Hall, Oldcastle, to raise funds for a new minibus for the Oldcastle Alzheimer"s Day Care Centre. The centre provides an important service on two days a week for clients suffering from Alzheimer"s Disease and also gives carers of those clients time for themselves for a few hours a week. The centre caters for clients from the Oldcastle area and surrounding catchment and provides transport to and from the centre, where necessary. The artists performing on the night included Fr Ray Kelly, the violinist Gloria Morris, Anne Galligan, the Virginia Singers, the Breffni Set Dancers and the Carnaross Line Dancers. All performed superbly and were very much appreciated and enjoyed by all in attendance. The night was very ably compered by local man, Pat Healy, who kept the show running smoothly and on schedule. The committee of the friends of Oldcastle Alzheimers Day Care Centre have extended thanks to all involved in this very successful night - the artists who performed, ticket sellers, those who attended on the night, all those who bought tickets or donated money, the people who provided refreshments at the interval for the entertainers, those involved with sound and lighting, all of those who so generously donated prizes for the very successful raffle on the night and Oldcastle GFC who allowed the use of the Show Hall, and Pat Healy, MC. Further events are planned for the coming year, details of which will be made available closer to the dates.