Beauparc and Kentstown celebrate golden jubilee of 'inspirational" pastor

Fr Peter Farrelly was described as an inspiration to all at the recent celebrations in Yellow Furze parish to mark the golden jubilee of his ordination. Delivering the homily at Fr Farrelly"s celebration Mass, Fr Andy Doyle, PP, Kilskyre, paid tribute to the Beauparc clergyman, his family and his parishioners, describing it as a special occasion for all of them. 'To live out 50 years of commitment whether as a married couple, a religious or a priest is an immense achievement and must be celebrated, and for one to celebrate it when one is as in rude good health as Fr Peter is especially deserving of celebration. So you the people of Beauparc parish deserve great credit for pulling out all the stops,' Fr Doyle told the congregation. 'We give thanks for his friendship, his courage, his leadership, his faith, his generosity in the Lord"s service,' he added. Fr Doyle, referring to the liturgy and St Paul"s reference to Timothy leaving his gifts unused, said there is nothing unused about Fr Farrelly"s gift, the gift he received when he was ordained by Archbishop John Charles McQuaid in Maynooth on 21st June 1959 with 52 others, six of whom were for the Diocese of Meath and all six of whom are still active and celebrating their golden jubilees. Fr Farrelly was one of 14 born in Carnaross, and grew up on a farm, going to school in Carnaross and then to St Finian"s in Mullingar. During his Leaving Certificate year, he decided to become a priest, and went to Maynooth. After ordination, he spent that summer in Navan then set out on a number of missionary journeys of his own, firstly to St Louis in the US for four years, then a year and a half in Tullamore, four years in Drumconrath, and four years in St Mary"s, Drogheda. Then he established the new parish of the Holy Family in Ballsgrove, Drogheda and for 14 years looked after its growth and development. The last 22 years he has spent with you here in Beauparc. Over the years he has taken many responsibilities in the Diocese serving as vicar and on the councils of priests. Fr Doyle said that Peter Farrelly and his fellow jubilarians have lived through and ministered very successfully in a rapidly changing Ireland from the deprivation and mass emigration of the 1950s and '60s through the many changes ushered in by the Vatican Council then to the rapid growth development and prosperity of the last decade and back in challenging and difficult times. 'As he enters the autumn years, I hope that Peter and his co-jubilarians feel a great sense of pride in their 50 years of service during which they have built up the body of Christ in this diocese,' Fr Doyle continued. 'Pope Benedict has just announced a 'Year for Priests". The torch has to be passed on, we need new people to answer the call and we pray for that in this Mass but tonight we should not forget that these men are an invaluable resource for our church today.' Fr Doyle said that Fr Farrelly has been happy in his 22 years in Beauparc. 'He has immersed himself in the life of your parish, befriending, encouraging, listening, challenging, teaching, looking after the sick and elderly, being there for you in all the happy and sad moments of your lives and whether its Seneschalstown or the under 12s that are playing, he is expected to be on the sideline. There was huge admiration among media people at the way Fr Peter and you the people of the parish handled the tragedy of the loss of five lovely young people in the schoolbus accident.' But it has been mutual, Fr Doyle added. ' You have been there for Fr Peter too in your welcome, your friendship, your support, your generosity, your ideas, your challenge, your faith and Christian example, your enthusiasm, your dedication, your willingness to get involved and take ownership of your parish. Any priest will tell you that we get back far more than we give and the most rewarding experiences are the times you and he are working together as a team.' Fr Doyle concluded: 'Thank you for deciding to become a priest here in this diocese, a decision you would recommend to any young person wanting to make the best use of his life. Thank you for being our friend. You are truly an inspiration to us all. The best has yet to come.' Afterwards, at a social get-together in Seneschalstown GAA Hall, presentations were made to Fr Farrelly of a rare second edition of William Wilde"s 'Beauties of the Boyne and Blackwater", and a wad of notes.