Cllr wants expenses published on internet

Newly-elected Fine Gael Navan area councillor Suzanne Jamal is calling on her colleagues in Meath County Council and Navan Town Council to take the first step towards transparency in terms of expenses claimed by public representatives and has suggested that all expenses should be vouched for. 'This was always my intention and I did say this on the doors to my voters that I shall demand that all expenses should be in public view,' she said. 'I shall also ask the Minister for the Environment to seek a change in legislation, making this mandatory but it is better that we should do this on a voluntary basis in order to maintain the trust of people that they have shown by voting for us,' said Cllr Jamal. 'In the present climate when everybody is feeling the pinch, there should be no reason why we should leave room for ambiguity and keep the public in the dark. There is a lot of anxiety among the people in the country about politicians" salaries and expenses. There have been inquiries and even resignations in the UK and people in Ireland are wondering why we can not be that vigilant. I shall be proposing that Meath County Council take the first step and dedicate a web page where all local representatives can on a voluntary basis display the expenses claimed by them during the year,' she said. Cllr Jamal said that this would keep everything transparent and in full public view. She added that she does not think that any of her colleagues would have any objection to this proposal because it is not only in the public interest, but in the interests of politicians also. 'Why should anyone be exposed to unnecessary criticism and allegations when you have nothing to hide and have no intentions of compromising your integrity,' said Cllr Jamal.