Paying the price for M3 tolls

Dear Sir - Is the Irish public aware of the fact that if the projected traffic numbers do not reach the expected targets on the M3 that the Government (that"s us the taxpayer by the way) must pay the shortfall? Ferrovial"s website states clearly, in its annual report 2008: 'The concession agreement establishes guaranteed minimum traffic levels and the Irish government has to pay the Concession Company compensation if traffic falls below the established minimums'. That is specifically in regard to the double-tolled M3. On the other hand, the same web page says of the M4/M6: 'Revenue sharing with the Government if certain traffic thresholds are exceeded'. It appears that Ferrovial are expecting the traffic levels on the M3 to fall below the expected targets and that the M4/M6 will reach and surpass those targets. The rest of the Irish population should know that we will be paying for the shortfall in tolls if the people of Meath chose not to pay to go to work, if they have work to go to in these straightened times. That means that we will have paid for the M3 twice. For those of us opposed to this project that destroyed Tara"s landscape, this is an appalling vista. Yours, Muireann Ní Bhrolcháin, Laurence Avenue, Maynooth.