Trim radon levels to be measured in cancer concerns

Radon meters are to be installed in homes in Mornington Heights, Trim, over the coming weeks, as the residents attempt to find answers as to why there are such high rates of cancer in the estate. A committee was formed late last year by the residents who were concerned about increasing numbers of cancer sufferers and cancer deaths in Mornington Heights in the past number of years and as part of their investigations, the levels of radon in the estate will be measured. They are also questioning whether a telecommunications mast in the estate could be having an impact on health though Chorus NTL. The company that owns the mast say there are no impacts on health and that the structure is only receiving television signals and is not transmitting. The committee also handed in a petition to the HSE some months ago calling for a health survey to be carried out among Mornington Heights residents. As well as campaigning for that mast and other masts in the vicinity to be moved out of the residential areas, residents have arranged for radon meters to be installed in their homes to measure the levels of the gas. Trim Town Council cathaoirleach Ray Butler, who is involved in the campaign, said the committee has been fundraising in the area for the radon metres and that a meeting was to take place to see how much money was raised, though he understood fundraising efforts were very successful. The radon testing will be carried out by the Radiological Institute of Ireland and the metres cost €56 each. Cllr Butler said that the metres will be installed in the houses for three months and the readings would then by analysed by the Radiological Institute. He also said that committee had received a letter from the HSE responding to their petition and that the committee is considering it. The committee members would be conducting a survey in the estate to find out how many people are sick and how many people have died in the last 15-20 years, before they respond to the HSE.