Negotiations ongoing in Trimfold over proposed redundancies

Alternative proposals to avoid the 18 redundancies announced by envelope manufacturer Trimfold were put to management by SIPTU officials at a meeting last Friday. The Trim based company announced last week that it is to shed 18 jobs following its withdrawal from the UK market where it could no longer compete. Trimfold, which is located in the Duggan Industrial Estate on the Athboy Road, currently employees approximately 50 people. SIPTU, the union which represents workers at the company, is seeking to avoid any redundancies and put alternative proposals to management last week. SIPTU Meath Branch Secretary John Regan said: "We put proposals to the company and they are considering them and are coming back to us at a meeting on Wednesday week (29th July). We put forward alternative arrangements rather than going down the redundancy road and we are waiting to see what they say." He added: "We are tying to avoid redundacies at all costs. If we have to face up to it, we hope it will be a lot less than the 18 staff the company is looking for". In a statement issued last week, the firm said: "The company is faced with the challenge to remain competitive and secure the long term viability of the company going forward. Due to currency disadvantages and higher costs structure in Ireland, demand for the company"s products is in serious decline in the UK. It is no longer possible to compete in this market which currently constitutes 40 per cent of the company"s turnover. It is necessary to rationalise the scale of operation to concentrate on supply to local markets and this will mean the loss of 18 jobs at the Trim plant. Failure to take action will threaten the future viability of the company and thus the remaining jobs." The announcement came as a huge blow to staff at the plant and to the local community where Trimfold has been a longterm employer in the area.