Trim's Loman Street now one-way traffic

Trim's Loman Street has finally re-opened to traffic following the completion of upgrade works which were part of Trim Town Council's road restoration programme. Loman Street was closed from the junction of Haggard Street to the junction of Mill Street/Watergate Street from the last week in February until it re-opened last weekend. The initial road closure was until 26th June but the contract ran over by a number of weeks which delayed the re-opening of the street. Loman Street is now one-way travelling in the direction of Haggard Street from Watergate Street and Mill Lane. Trim Town Council cathaoirleach Ray Butler has welcomed the re-opening of the street and added that "like with anything there were likely to be some teething problems" but he hoped they would be sorted out. "The street looks well. Some parts are wider than others but the narrow parts might slow people down. One or two residents have been on to me looking for more signage to get drivers to slow down. More signage is needed." Cllr Butler said business was tough throughout the town during the closure. He said: "People had to go the whole way around to get back into town. Everyone suffered but at least it is up and running now. There will be some teething problems but we will work on it." Some years ago, Trim Town Council took the decision to borrow €5m to upgrade and restore the streets, services and footpaths in the town. Paid parking was introduced in July 2006 to fund the servicing of the loan. Streets upgraded to date include Haggard Street, High Street, Bridge Street, Castle Street, Kells Road, and Athboygate have all been completed.