Anti-pylon group claims Eirgrid 'refusing to engage'

The North-East Pylon Pressure (NEPP) group has claimed that the community update newsletter issued recently to householders in the north-east by EirGrid has "again highlighted EirGrid's refusal to engage in an honest consultation process with the public". According to NEPP, as far back as last April, concerned householders and landowners in the three counties affected by EirGrid's proposals to build pylons and high voltage overhead lines individually sent a number of important questions to the company but, to date, EirGrid had "not given these people the courtesy of an individual response to their questions". "Instead, they engaged last week in a shambolic charade of sending out misleading, confusing, obfuscating and generic responses en masse in a newsletter. "Nevertheless, it is clear from the responses contained in EirGrid's newsletter that they admit they have no legal power whatsoever to enter on lands at this stage without the express permission of the landowner," NEPP said in a statement. "Their approach to entering on property is in sharp contrast with that of their colleagues in the ESB who have agreed a written code of practice with landowners that precludes them from entering on land unless and until they have received planning permission. EirGrid's approach shows contempt for the statutory planning process because their attempts to enter on lands at this time pre-empts the determination of the Strategic Infrastructure Board and assumes that it will be in their favour," the statement added. NEPP further claims that EirGrid has refused point blank to answer the specific question on whether "at any time in the past two years have EirGrid personnel, or agents acting on their behalf, entered farm property without permission and without contacting the owner?" and that this give rise to a strong suspicion among landowners that lands were entered surreptitiously and without permission. A spokesman for NEPP said: "People are not fooled by EirGrid's carry-on. At the appropriate time, we intend to highlight EirGrid's activities to the relevant authorities. They have substituted intimidation for consultation and shown a complete disrespect for legal procedures. Our elected representatives should be challenging EirGrid about this disgraceful behaviour." NEPP said that it will shortly advise landowners on a further set of questions they now need to send to EirGrid arising from the extremely unsatisfactory responses contained in their newsletter and will convene general meetings to update landowners and householders. Responding to the NEPP's statement, a spokesperson for EirGrid said: "EirGrid has the greatest of respect for all stakeholders involved and has endeavoured at all times to be available to and answer the questions of landowners and other members of the community. Over the past few months EirGrid has communicated with hundreds of landowners, householders and the wider stakeholder community and sent a personal response to everyone who sent us questions. "We answered the questions people asked in detail and included responses to queries from other members of the community. "We continue to meet people face-to-face and have offices in Navan and Carrickmacross where people can come and meet members of the project team and see the maps etc. Or we are happy to meet at any suitable location." The spokesperson added: "EirGrid would like to thank all stakeholders who have been in contact with us since we wrote to them informing them that we're close to determining the line route and we are working on a planning application. EirGrid is not relying on statutory powers to enter land prior to submitting plans to An Bord Pleanala. Entry onto lands has been approached on a voluntary basis at this pre-planning phase. "We're encouraging any landowners or members of the public to meet us to ensure they remain well-informed and to raise any further issues they may have. They can contact us on lo-call 1890 252 690."