Unique idea for Trim-Athboy rail route

Dear sir - While driving regularly over the hump-back bridge outside Athboy on the Trim road, I often wondered what lay beneath. So a couple of weeks ago, I attempted to walk along the old railway route from Athboy to Trim. After four hours walking, I managed to reach the fifth bridge at Clonfane before my legs gave up. Much of the route is still clearly identifiable with the raised bank where the track would have been and a row of trees and shrubs each side forming the traditional railway avenue. Some of the route is very overgrown with brambles reaching two metres and more, while more of the route is fenced off with barbed wire as field perimeters. Part of the route has disappeared completely and is amalgamated with surrounding fields. However, with an Ordnance Survey map, I was always able to pick up the route, even after having to circumvent the above obstacles. The bridges appear to be in perfect condition, a testament to the workmanship and materials used in days gone by. I do not recommend walking this route unless you are fairly fit and active (my hands and arms were quite cut up from brambles and barbed wire and insect bites added to my general weary appearance). My point in writing is that I believe the route could be re-established as a walking and cycling route, assuming access in some parts could be agreed with the land owners. It would provide a wonderful asset for the local communities and act as tourist attraction for the area. While I understand the fiscal restraints on local authorities in the present economic climate, any money spent on this project would provide local jobs and a lasting safe environment for future generations. I have asked the council to consider looking at this project. Yours, Gez Bettney, Meadowlands, Athboy.