Family resource centres not luxuries

Dear sir - We are writing on behalf of the two family resource centres based in County Meath, to make your readers aware of the potential consequences of a recommendation of the McCarthy report. Within the section regarding the Department of Social and Family Affairs, there is a recommendation to close the Family Support Agency, in an effort to save the exchequer €30 million. It is presented in the report in terms of closing an expensive state agency which is a luxury. However, nothing could be further from the truth. Some €18 million of the Family Support Agency's budget is spent directly on the Family Resource Centre programme. The vast majority of the remaining budget is spent on counselling, mediation and research programmes. The Family Resource Centre budget funds 107 Family Resource Centres (FRCs) throughout Ireland - two of them in Meath - The People's Resource Centre FRC in Kells and Trim Family Resource Centre. Unfortunately, at times of financial hardship, our services will be needed more than ever. FRCs build family and community capacity to deal with issues as they arise.  Services we offer include education and training; support for the families of those suffering from domestic violence, drug or alcohol addiction, and anti-discrimination and anti-isolation initiatives. Many of our centres provide childcare services, including pre-school and after-school care, which allow parents to join the workforce, or to access training and education opportunities to upskill them in order to find employment.  We are currently meeting our local politicians to ask them to support us in three simple aims: 1, rather than considering closing or reducing the FRC programme, it should be developed and expanded; 2, the Family Support Agency is the best vehicle to deliver the FRC programme, and it is our preference that the Agency should be maintained; 3, we are anxious that if there any changes to be made in the FRC programme or Family Support Agency, that we are consulted on the way forward. We look forward to meeting our local politicians, and getting their support for these aims. Yours , Rex Lee, Kells, Lydia Peppard, Trim.