Tenders for new Laytown school building opened

Tenders for the building of the permanent school at Coláiste na hInse, Laytown, were opened last Friday in another important milestone in the school's history. The tenders to design and build the new school, which is due for completion in September 2011, were opened at the offices of Meath VEC at Abbey Road, Navan. The CEO of Meath VEC, Peter Kierans, said there was huge interest in this project from most of the main building contractors in the county. "We had to reduce the list invited to tender to five and we are very happy with the keen competitive nature of the tenders," he said. Chairman of County Meath VEC, John Fanning, presided over the process along with the deputy chairman, Dan Keane. "I hope the Department of Education and Science accept this tender without delay so that we can award the contract in the next few weeks. No time can be lost," said Mr Fanning. Coláiste na hInse continues to go from strength to strength with 100 new enrolments for this year's first year. The temporary school is currently under construction with a mid-October completion date and this will provide state-of-the-art home economics, art, science, woodwork and computer rooms. Deputy Thomas Byrne of Fianna Fail welcomed the opening of the tenders. "This is fantastic news for the area and brings an end to this long-running saga. "I have constantly been pushing this school at all levels of government. The decision means that County Meath VEC can now move ahead with their plans for the development of the permanent school building." Coláiste na hInse will continue to cater for students from Mornington, Bettystown, Laytown, Julianstown, Donacarney and Stamullen, said Deputy Byrne, who said he would work closely with Peter Kierans concerning all aspects of the development of the new school campus.