Trim Supt set to retire next month

Trim Garda Superintendent John Dunleavy is due to retire next month after serving two years in the Trim Garda District. Supt Dunleavy is a native of Kerry and, since joining An Garda Siochana, he has served in a number of locations, including Drogheda, Ballyfermot, Portlaoise and Tullamore. He also served several years at Garda headquarters in the Phoenix Park where he was a member of the Commissoner's staff. When promoted to the rank of superintendent, Supt Dunleavy was stationed in Belmullet, Co Mayo, where he was based for the beginning of the 'Shell to Sea' protest and he spent six months in Birr before being appointed as Garda Superintendent in Trim. Trim Town Council cathaoirleach Cllr Ray Butler paid tribute to Supt Dunleavy and said he had made a huge contribution to policing in the community during his time in Trim and wished him well in his retirement. Inspector Sean Farrell is to take over the duties of Superintendent in Trim in the interim. While a superintendent will be appointed in Trim in due course, with a ban on promotions and the current panel of Superintendents exhausted, it could be some time before this happenes. Superintendent Michael Devine of Navan Garda Station said Inspector Farrell would be acting Superintendent and will take over the day-to-day running of the Trim district until a new Superintendent is appointed. A number of senior members of An Garda Siochana have retired in the Meath Garda Divison this year. Supt Devine said that, unfortunately, a lot of experience is being lost with these retirements, but this is something the Gardai will have to allow for. While newly graduated Gardai are still coming onstream to local stations, Supt Devine said: "Young members may not have the same local knowledge or investigative knowledge. It is a process of change and takes a while for people to get up to speed. We would be somewhat down in that capacity." Supt Devine said that, in Navan alone, they will have lost two sergeants, one inspector and four gardai by the end of the year as a number are retiring.