Rathmolyon comes alive for biggest ever cultural event

The fourth Rathmolyon Annual Cultural Festival, which took place on Sunday, was a huge success with good weather drawing a record crowd to the event. The festival began with a céilí mór last Friday night featuring the All-Ireland winning Naomh Padraig Céilí Band. The main event saw the village come alive for the street festival which began at noon on Sunday. With the street closed to traffic from early that morning, Rathmolyon was transformed and, by early afternoon, there was a huge crowd in the village who enjoyed browsing the stalls and the many vintage and cultural displays. Visitors were treated to a celebration of rural life and a glimpse back at the culture of yesteryear, including butter-making, basket-weaving, tin-smithing and horse-shoeing. Attractions included cultural and vintage displays, craft exhibitions, amusements, archery, sheaf-tossing and Setanta, live animal displays and vintage machinery and threshing displays. The colcannon and pancake-making by Colette Maguire was a big hit and the village farm also proved very popular The Dunderry Set Dancers performed a mock wedding, while other entertainment was provided by Eamon Brennan and Company and Gaytown, who have been playing together for 60 years. Chairperson of the festival Pat Farrell said: "It was a great success. We had the best crowd yet and the weather was fabulous. It was one of the best festivals in the country and everybody was commenting on how well run it was. The stallholders were extremely impressed. Next year, we hope to have an even bigger crowd." Mr Farrell said there had been some rain earlier on Sunday but the day cleared up and turned into a lovely afternoon. "As chairman, I would like to thank everybody involved for making it such the festival such a success. Thanks to the stallholders and to the committee for the wonderful work they did, especially our secretary, Maureen Walsh," added Mr Farrell.