Ramor celebrates Friel birthday with comic production

Ramor Theatre celebrates the 80th birthday of one of Ireland's greatest playwrights Brian Friel when Ramor Players present 'The Communication Cord' at the theatre from Thursday 26th November to 5th December. This is the only comedy that Friel has written and is set in a remote cottage in Donegal which has been converted into a weekend retreat for the urban elite. Jack loans this cottage to his friend Tim for one furtive hour so as to impress his girlfriend's father who is a senator. The resulting complications, cover-ups and confusions are constantly hilarious as Friel's play is virtually a send-up of the sentiments so movingly expressed in his own 'Translations'. The show brings to the Ramor for the first time the directing talents of Ronan Ward from Carrigallen who follows in a great family tradition from his father, Gus Ward. Ronan has worked with a cast that features some new faces to the stage in Virginia. The result is a great night of theatre with many laughs. In all his work Friel delivers well defined characters no less so than in this production. The wonderful Nora Dan, the local busy body, is played by Eileen Ward who was in the Carrigallen production in 1992 for which she won All Ireland Best Actress award. Michael O'Reilly from Mullagh plays the part of the Jack and Albert Gillick as his friend Tim and both of them can only be described as 'boyos'. Siobhan Brady and Edel McLean are newcomers to the stage but take to their roles as the romantic females with great conviction. Will Govan as the intimidating and pompous senator is towering in his performance. Patrick Farrelly, known to all for his comic roles in past productions at the Ramor and the 'Frolics', plays the German Barney 'the Banks' and will give audiences a great laugh with all his antics. The role of Yvette Giroux, the French girlfriend of the Senator, who arrives in on all the chaos is played by local girl Liz O'Hanlon. Booking is at the theatre on (049) 854 7074.