Summerhill residents fed up with noisy water pump

Residents in Summerhill are up in arms about a noisy pump in the village that is and keeping local people awake at night. Trim councillor Ray Butler said he had received numerous phone calls from Summerhill residents who are fed up with the noisy pump which, they say, is preventing them from sleeping at night. He said the pump is pumping water from the village's new sewerage scheme all the time and has been there "on and off" for about two years. Cllr Butler said people in the village have had a lot to put up with, with all the roadworks that had been going on in the village in recent years, without having a pump keeping them awake at night. He also said that if water can get into the system then sewerage will be able to get out when the long-awaited new system is turned on. "It is going 24 hours a day. People can't sleep with the noise. Why is water being pumped out of the new sewerage system that is not operational yet? If water is leaking in, then sewerage is going to leak out when it is linked up. It is a massive machine and it is driving people crazy at night. It is not good enough, the noise out of it. People are worried that if water is leaking in, when the sewerage is turned on that it is going to leak out," said Cllr Butler. Local resident Sean Mahon said the pump could be running 24 hours per day and that people cannot sleep with the noise. In recent weeks, the pump was outside his gate and the noise was so loud, he said they could not sleep. He added that another neighbour had to move from sleeping at the front of his house to the back because of the noise. Mr Mahon said he had been in contact with Meath County Council to see if they can get the pump stopped at night. "The noise is terrible. Everyone is up in arms over it," he said. He added that there had been roadworks in the village for two-and-a-half years and that between traffic lights, the holes in the road and the noise, local residents were being driven mad.