N2 traffic lights make road safer

Dear sir - I write regarding the article in your most recent issue on the new traffic lights on the N2 at Primatestown/Coolfore. Deputy McEntee and Deputy Wallace both expressed views that the light sequences should be altered or lights turned off altogether until the M3 is completed. It is easy to see that neither deputy live on the roads off this junction or have suffered for years trying to get out at this junction. I have lived for 28 years on the road signposted L5008 and as I work in Drogheda I have to come up to this junction and cross the road to head to Kilmoon Cross. Each day I had to add 20 minutes to my travel time to allow sufficient time go get across this junction as it was so busy. I and my family warmly welcome these lights as now residents of this road and the road coming from Curraha can cross in a timely and safely manner. I have seen far too many accidents, unfortunately some fatal, and the primary aim of this system is to make the roads safer. Is this something Deputies Wallace and McEntee are going to argue against? Yours, Mrs Ronnie Clarke Coolfore, Ashbourne.