Nobody heeding local representatives

Dear sir - As a newly elected councillor to Meath Co Council, its unbelievable to see our communities throughout the county and indeed the country at a standstill over the past week. I have been highlighting this availability of grit/sand in my local area for the past week to the council but nobody seems to be listening. We should be availing of the voluntary services and material that is in the county. It is time to be resourceful and innovative with the resources we have and improvise. Stop the procrastinating and make decisions. The layers of bureaucracy are hindering rather than helping the present situation and as a result each day its getting worse. We are not availing enough of the good will that is on offer and as a result the local and regional roads in my constituency of Kells, especially in rural Ireland from Ballinacree, Athboy to Drumconrath, have not been gritted at all and indeed in the county or country. People are stranded in their homes, and schools are forced to close. Why is the government not listening to the public representatives? Yours, Cllr Catherine Yore, Meath County Council, Carnaross.