Getting ready for this Saturday's fundraising day in aid of the Haiti earthquake relief fund were staff at Maguire's of Tara, Hazel Weldon, Isobel Bolger and Inara Balina.

Meath opens its heart for Haiti

Two weeks after the earthquake that has shattered Haiti, numerous fundraising efforts are underway across the county as communities, organisations, businesses and sports groups in Meath come together to collect monies for devastated people there who are left homeless and without food and water. It is estimated that 200,000 people have died in the 'quake on the island of Hispaniola, which Haiti shares with the Dominican Republic, in the worst earthquake there in 200 years. On the Hill of Tara this coming Saturday, Maguire's restaurant is asking people to "go along and enjoy a nice lunch, knowing you are helping". Shirley Swan of Maguire's said: "All the food prepared and served on the day will not be charged for, but we encourage our friends and customers to contribute and donate via the boxes which will be provided on each table. The team at Maguire's want to do what we can for the people of Haiti." In Dunsany on Saturday night, local singer Ann Harrington and Rattle Shakes are taking part in a fundraising night in the GAA clubhouse. Dunshaughlin's new pastoral centre, hosting President McAleese today (Wednesday), will tomorrow (Thursday) host a coffee morning for the earthquake victims, from 10.30am to 1pm. On Friday night, 29th January, a table quiz for the Duleek Haiti Disaster Fund will take place in Kelly's pub at 9pm. The following Friday, 5th February, Boyle's in Slane will host a charity gig to raise funds. The artists lined up so far are Fiach and The Dirty 9s, with two local Meath bands expected to be taking part as well. Andrew Cassidy in Boyle's is donating €300. There will be no cover charge at the door but the aim is to raise €1,000 through raffles and a donation bucket. Saturday next, 31st January, sees the annual Fordstown Tractor Run, with the proceeds this year going to Haiti. Everyone is welcome with old and new vehicles, tractors, cars, Honda 50s, jeeps and there will be a raffle in Bray's pub to raise funds on Sunday night, with two televisions among the prizes. Sports clubs, players and fans throughout Meath are being asked to play their part in supporting a unique local fundraising appeal which is taking place to fund the work that GOAL is carrying out in response to the Haiti earthquake. The day-long GOAL Haiti Earthquake Appeal is being co-ordinated by Aura Leisure Centres to take place on Sunday 31st January to give sports enthusiasts the opportunity to show their true colours and to demonstrate how sport in Meath can help to save and change lives in Haiti. Every cent raised on the day will go directly towards GOAL's work on the ground in Haiti and Aura has already kick-started the massive fundraising campaign by donating €10,000 to the Irish international humanitarian agency. Aura Leisurelink Navan and Aura Trim Leisure Centre will become the hub of all fundraising activity on the day as the centres make all of their facilities available to local fundraisers while staff and volunteers also co-ordinate fundraising events taking place elsewhere throughout the county. "This is a golden opportunity for sports clubs, players and fans in Meath to unite behind one goal. People of all ages can play a part and show their support either by organising a sports fundraiser, by raising funds to participate in a fundraiser, or by simply donating funds or visiting Aura with family and friends on the day," explained Josephine Pepper, Aura eastern regional manager. Aura has already contacted the Meath Local Sports Partnership and is currently engaging local sports clubs to mobilise the fundraising effort. The response has been hugely positive with a number of clubs committing to organise their own fundraisers or to make use of Aura's facilities to host sponsored fundraising events. Contact Kevin Farrell at Aura Navan on (046) 907 9950 or (086) 171 9820 or Emma Donegan at Aura Trim on (046) 943 8730 or (086) 600 1975. Pupils from Scoil Eanna, Navan, raised €1,025 for the Haiti Appeal by holding a 'crazy tie day' last Friday. Children wore funny ties on the day and made a contribution to the appeal. The chairperson of "gra Fianna Fáil, Meath East TD Thomas Byrne, joined members of the youth group this weekend to collect donations. The collection for Concern followed a day-long meeting in Galway during which "gra members set its agenda for the year. "Almost €4,000 was raised on the day and lodged directly with Concern. Other "gra groups around the country are also planning fundraising events. I would like to commend those young "gra members who gave up their time for such a great cause," Deputy Byrne said. Ardee Concert Band raised €4,200 for the victims of the earthquake when they entertained the people on the streets of Ardee on Saturday. Members of the band have a history of doing their bit for charity over the years, most memorably for Kosovo and for the victims of the Asian tsunami. On Saturday, the 40-strong band, led by staff major, Paddy Ward, once again took to marching the streets of Ardee, this time for the victims of the earthquake. The fundraiser was the suggestion of band member Niall Doherty. At the band's bingo on Sunday night, the collection buckets were topped up by the bingo regulars. Oxfam Navan is making an urgent appeal for people to donate money in its Trimgate Street store. The response of people so far has been one of amazing generosity and compassion, with over €2,042 being donated in the Navan store in the days following the catastrophe. Bridget Walsh, manager of Oxfam Navan, said she has been overwhelmed by how the people of Navan and County Meath have responded to assist Haiti which is recognised as the poorest country in the western hemisphere She said: "We've had donations, large and small, through our counter box and also over the till and all are extremely welcome. In the last week we've had children come into the shop with their piggy banks and money boxes, along with donations from individuals and local businesses and we would like to thank the people of Meath for their support during these recessionary times. We would urge people to continue their support and also assure people that no amount of a donation is too small as it all adds up." Oxfam is unable to send out donations of blankets, clothes and other materials directly to Haiti, as it is vastly more expensive and inefficient to send goods from Ireland rather than source them locally. However, people who want to donate items to help Oxfam's work should still take donations to the Navan Oxfam shop, as the funds raised from their sale allows the charity to continue saving lives around the world. Oxfam are appealing to people of all ages who would be interested in organising events, such as car boot sales, cake sales, coffee mornings, sponsored walk, table quizzes and any other events to support Haiti.