Question of hospital jobs versus lives

Dear sir - I think it is a good thing that Navan A&E is closed to complex trauma cases, but the people should obviously be brought straight to the major hospitals in Dublin and not all the way to Drogheda where they are just going to be stabilised and transferred anyway if they are complex cases. It makes no sense. The people moaning about jobs being lost in the A&E in Navan should ask themselves if it was a member of their family in an accident would they want that person sent to an inadequate A&E service to be stabilised, while losing valuable hours and possibility of saving their life, just so that a few people can keep their jobs? And finally, they give out about the 'postcode' healthcare service in the UK where depending on what postcode you live in it determines the standard of care you receive. I think the same can he said in Ireland where depending on where you happen to have a traffic accident determines your outcome of surviving. If you crash on a bad road in Meath you get transported all the way to Drogheda then to Dublin before you might be saved but if you crash in Dublin, where the roads are better so you're less likely to do so in the first place you get brought to the main hospitals immediately, it makes no sense. You should have a look at the figures of people who have been brought to a regional hospital and transferred compared to the people admitted directly to a major hospital and I bet you the outcomes are far superior for those people who did not lose all those hours getting stabilised and transferred. Meath is so close to Dublin it should not even be an issue, and I'm sure the rest of the country is just as bad for it. I just don't see the argument for saving Navan A&E for complex cases, they cannot deal with them. Yours, Caroline Keogh, Trim.