The proposed Nobber incinerator.

Bord Pleanala delays Nobber incinerator ruling until April

Bord Pleanála has deferred its decision on the proposed meat and bonemeal incinerator near Nobber until 1st April. The planning authority was due to give a decision on the application by College Proteins for a biomass combined heat and power (CHP) plant at its Nobber plant this month but has now deferred any decision for another month. The delay was welcomed by North-East Against Incineration campaigners who said it showed the planning authority was clearly examing all the evidence given in the oral hering last autumn. "Everybody had been telling us it was a 'done deal' but this goes to show we put up a good case and it is being seriously considered by Bord Pleanla," said spokesman, John Keogan. "It has even been suggested to us that it might even be later than 1st April before there is a decision," he added. "We are keeping our fingers crossed, but we are hopeful the excellent case we put forward against the proposal will be taken into consideration," he said. College Proteins has applied for planning permission to Bord Pleanala for the project under the Strategic Infrastructural Development Scheme (SIDS) and an oral hering into the matter took place over a five-week period last autumn. The College Proteins plant currently processes animal by-products and generates 37,500 tonnes of meat and bonemeal (MBM) annually from its operations. Meanwhile, the North East Against Incineration campaign has launched an Easter fundraising drive. They will be selling Easter eggs in the local community to raise money for the campaign. The Easter eggs, which are hand crafted by Aine's Chocolates, are being sold at €10 each or six for €50. John Keogan said he would urge local people to support the fundraising. The eggs can be bought from the local pharmacy in Nobber, Keogan's pub or from any member of NEAI.