Elderly Ballivor man has money stolen by two bogus callers

Gardai are warning elderly people to be wary of strangers who call to their homes after another elderly person had a sum of money stolen by a bogus caller in the past week. A man in his late 70s living at Coolronan, Ballivor, was targeted after a caller claimed he had found money in the man's yard last week. Reports of a separate incident where a woman in her 90s noticed her handbag and jewellery were missing the day after two callers claiming to be Jehovah's Witnesses, had been in her Trim home, are also being investigated. At around 2pm on Wednesday 31st March, a man in his late 70s answered a knock at the door of his Coolronan home to a male who was offering to tarmac his yard. The elderly man declined and closed the door. About two minutes later, there was another knock and there was a different man at the door holding money. The caller said he had found the money in the elderly man's yard and asked him to check his wallet and see if money was missing. As he took his wallet out to check, the caller grabbed the wallet - which contained a quantity of cash - and left in a large blue saloon which had large tail-lights. Both callers spoke with what is being described as a Traveller accent. The first caller was described as 17-20 years of age, 5ft 10", of average build with dark hair. He was wearing a dark jacket. The second man was described as being about 25 years of age, 5ft 5" to 5ft 6" in height, of stocky build, with blond hair. He was clean-shaven and wore a brown jacket. A dark blue Volvo saloon was seen at the Swan Pub, Coolronan, later that same day and Gardai are investigating if the sighting is connected to the earlier theft. Gardai believe the latest incident could be connected to similar incidents last month where three elderly people had sums of money stolen in the Trim district by bogus callers. On 11th March, two elderly neighbours living in Avondale, Trim, were targeted. A man called to the home of an elderly female in Avondale offering to do work around the house. He distracted the lady by bringing her to the rear of the house to point out what work he could do in the garden. While the lady was distracted, another male entered her home and stole a sum of cash. Her neigbour, a man in his 70s, was targeted in the same way and the culprits made off with a sum of cash taken from his home while he was distracted. In Rathmolyon on 15th March, a male called to the home of an elderly man and told him he had found some money outside and asked if he had lost money. The elderly man went inside to check, and when he returned to the door, a second male had entered his house and the men stole a handbag containing a small amount of cash. Sergeant Gordon Englishby of Trim Garda Station is warning elderly people to be very cautious about who they open their door to and is urging them to use a night chain. He said that any legitimate callers should have identification and, if they are unsure about a caller, to contact Gardai who will be happy to check it out. Gardai are also investigating reports of a separate incident when two males called to the home of an elderly lady in her 90s living in Trim purporting to be Jehovah's Witnesses. Between 4pm-6pm on 3rd April, two well-dressed males called to the home of the elderly woman at Mill Lane, Trim, and said they wanted to speak to the lady about religion. The lady invited them in and they later left. The next day, the woman noticed that her handbag, containing a quantity of cash was missing, as well as a diamond engagement ring and an eternity ring with with blue and white diamonds. Neighbours have confirmed that Jehovah Witnesses had called to their door that afternoon. Gardai are appealing for anyone with any further information to contact them at Trim Garda Station and are also appealing to the callers themselves to contact the Garda station if to eliminate themselves from the reported theft.