Navan Mayor Cllr Joe Reilly reading the 1916 Proclamation at Navan Town Hall last week.

Mayor pays homage to 1916 leaders

Navan Town Council formally commemorated the 94th anniversary of the Easter Rising of 1916 by raising the tricolour and reading the Proclamation last Thursday. The Mayor of Navan, Cllr Joe Reilly, officiated. The Sinn Fein councillor said: "This is an historic occasion for Navan Town Council to formally remember the men and women who struck a blow for Irish freedom. "How we could do with such visionary leadership now. Our current leaders are not striking a blow for freedom or treating all of the children equally; instead they are shackling this generation and children for the next number of generations with debt. This will manifest itself in more cuts to essential public services. Teachers will go, class sizes will get bigger. Less Gardai, fewer hospitals and higher taxes," he said. The town's mayor added: "I encourage other local authorities to follow Navan's lead and pay homage to our patriot dead. All our public buildings should fly the national flag throughout Easter Week. I also encourage every citizen to wear an Easter lily, to be proud of our past and look forward to our future based on the real values of the Proclamation."