Sorcha Flood meets President Mary McAleese in Ráth Chairn.

Mrs McAleese drops in on Rath Chairn celebrations

"Go maire sibh an céad," was the message of President Mary McAleese in Ráth Chairn last week - 'May you see the hundred!' President McAleese visited Ráth Chairn on Tuesday of last week as part of the Gaeltacht's 75th anniversary celebrations during her packed visit to Meath. The community put a show together that demonstrated the quality of culture, language and talent existing in the small area. The Naíonra (playschool) recited a poem 'Peadar & Pól', Scoil Uí Ghramhnaigh played traditional music and pupils danced an old style 'sean-nós' dance. Coláiste Pobail students recited poems they had written for the 75-year celebrations. Four students played a rock tribute. Eamon Mac Donnacha and Michael " Súilleabháin sang a song especially written for this exceptional year. President McAleese was presented with a commemorative plate by Colm " Cathain, one of the original men who moved from Conamara to Meath in 1935. These plates were especially designed by potter Colm De Rís for the Rath Chairn 75th anniversary. The President met with the surviving members of the families that moved from Conamara and locals of all ages. The next big event on the agenda is 26th June when local people cycle from Galway to Rath Chairn in remembrance of those who cycled from Galway to meet with Eamon De Valera in 1934, when there will be another great night of celebration.