One of the cars taken from the Boyne.

River Rescue volunteers pull old cars from Boyne

Two cars were taken from the River Boyne as part of a major clean up of the river by Navan Facelift last week. The backbone of Navan Facelift, Meath River Rescue, used their skills to locate the abandoned wrecks and volunteers then lifted the cars from the river by JCB. Although the vehicles were not visible from the banks, pollution from the decomposing vehicles threatened the wildlife in the river. The divers involved were Peter Boland, Brian Herron and Robbie Oaks and they were backed up by other members of the River Rescue team. The group has cleaned up at least 20 locations around the town lifting over 40 tonnes of rubbish in the process. On a daily basis, between seven and 12 volunteers show up and help. Their work has garnered the support of 1,264 people on Facebook. Meath County Council and Navan Garda Superintendent, Michael Devine, have written to the group expressing their support. Each day, a new location for a clean-up is identified and, at 10.30am, volunteers gather to pick up rubbish. The organisation has been supported by local businesses with all types of cleaning tools being given to the volunteers. Local pubs have also sponsored cases of beer to quench the thirst of the group after their hard work. People who are interested in helping out, volunteering or sponsoring the group should contact Peadar Tóibín on (087) 270 7985. Meanwhile the Facelift group is inviting the public to help the town succeed in the national Tidy Towns competition. The group will hold a meeting in The Stonehouse, Kennedy Road, on Thursday 27th May at 8pm at which a committee and a long-term strategy will be formed. Meanwhile, Meath River Rescue has said it is not holding any raffles at the moment and any hampers offered for raffle has nothing to do with them. The group pointed out that any collections would have the Meath River Rescue Logo on it and anyone collecting for Meath River Rescue would have identification with them and, where applicable, a Garda permit. Donations can be made to Eamonn Quinlivan, Christopher Rennicks, Noel Foley or Peter Boland, or any member with Meath River Rescue ID.