President McAleese during her visit to Slane.

Slane school gets presidential visit

President Mary McAleese visited St Patrick's National School, Slane, on her whistlestop tour of Meath to join in the celebration of the 250th anniversary of Slane village and the school's achievement of its fourth Green Flag. The President was greeted by the school principal, Elizabeth Sheridan, and introduced to members of the board of management and staff on arrival. President McAleese visited the school computer lab, where she met with the children of fourth class who explained all about the dissolving boundaries project they are involved in. She also heard about what it is like to learn using an interactive whiteboard. Mrs McAleese then had some time to view an exhibition on the history of Slane village prepared by the pupils. The pupils explained their project and answered the President's questions on the history of Slane Mill and Slane Castle. President McAleese then met the Green Flag committee pupils, who explained all about the school's 'Walk to School' initiatives and all the environmental activities which enabled the school to be awarded the fourth Green Flag. Finally, the President addressed the assembled school pupils, staff and invited guests. She expressed her delight at being invited to Slane. She said it was her first visit to a school with four Green Flags and encouraged the pupils to continue to look after their wonderful school, their community and each other. Before her departure, the President was presented with a book of poetry by Francis Ledwidge and a bouquet of flowers. A large number of parents gathered on the front lawn of the school to greet the President on her departure and to witness the raising of the fourth Green Flag by Sarah Fitzgerald of An Taisce.