Cllr Wayne Harding.

Board seeks more technical information on Slane bypass

A request by Bord Pleanala for further information on the Slane bypass has been welcomed by local councillor, Wayne Harding, who said it would help clear up a number of issues. Stressing the need to proceed with the project as quickly as possible, Cllr Harding pointed out that the board has sought further information on proposed routes to the west of the village. The route which is currently the subject of a planning application runs east of the village. "The board sought more technical information on routes to the west. I have no problem with that as it will show that the route to the west is not viable," he said. "I want to see as much information as possible forwarded to Bord Pleanala. The more information sought and the more elaborate the plan, the better the scheme will be and it will be better for Slane," Cllr Harding added. Cllr Harding said it was very important that the scheme proceeds as quickly as possible because of the dangers facing the people of Slane and those travelling through the village very day. Meanwhile, Bord Pleanala has confirmed that there will be an oral hearing on the N2 Slane bypass in the coming months, but a date has yet to be fixed. The Save Newgrange Campaign had made written objections to the scheme, and filed an EU complaint about the development. Save Newgrange is also calling on the Minister for the Environment, John Gormley, to immediately present the National Monuments Bill to the Oireachtas for passage, in order to protect the Bru na Boinne UNESCO World Heritage Site. The group is also calling on the minister to make his position on the bypass known before planning permission is granted. Minister Gormley announced that the Bill was approved by the Government last month but it has not gone before the Oireachtas. Save Newgrange spokesman, Vincent Salafia, said: "The minister must immediately present the Bill for passage, or it is likely that Bord Pleanala will approve the N2 route, leading to long delays due to protest and legal action. "The Bill is already years overdue, and it must be passed before the Dail breaks for summer, or Bru na Boinne will be under threat. The minister must also take a position on the N2 route now, so as to inform An Bord Pleanala in their decision-making. We don't want a repeat of Tara," he added.