Trim pupils move into new school extension

Pupils of St Mary's Convent Primary School in Trim are all back on the same campus for the first time in 30 years following the opening of the school's extension in the past fortnight. The new extension at St Mary's Primary School consists of seven classrooms, five resource rooms, a library, computer room and, most impressive of all, is the large state-of-the-art general purpose room that is to have a tiered retractable seating system installed. While the school is happy to be back under one roof and the children are delighted with the new facilities, there was also a sense of poignancy as the school vacated the old convent school across the road, which has had a long history of education in the town. Teacher Marian Buckley explained that when the new school was built in the late 1970s, all of the school moved to the new building but that, within a year or two, they were back using a room in the old school as numbers grew. She said: "There was also sadness to be moving out. The old school has been part of Trim since 1924. I went to school there myself, as did Liz Murray, our vice-principal, and another teacher, Mary O'Hare." Until the new extension opened, second, third and fourth classes were accommodated in the old school - accounting for approximately 150 children and 10 teachers. Fifth and sixth classes and the language unit have moved into the new extension, and the former school hall is now the staff room. Ms Buckley said the children's "eyes were wide open" as they saw the new building and said they were amazed. She added that the beautiful new classrooms are big and have a huge storage area in each room. An open day will take place in St Mary's from 1.45pm to 3pm on Monday to give people the chance to see the new extension. The school band and the school choir will be performing. St Mary's NS has 530 pupils and 32 teachers. A ceremonial closing of the old school and handing back of the key to the Sisters of Mercy will take place towards the end of June. A date for this ceremony has yet to be confirmed.