Cigs worth €4,000 stolen from GAA clubhouse

Cigarettes worth €4,000 were stolen from Kiltale GAA Clubhouse when the premises was broken into between midnight and 9am on Monday morning. Kilmessan Gardai, who are investigating the incident, are appealing to anyone who noticed suspicious activity in the area around that time to contact them. Entry was gained via a window at the front of the premises which was damaged and the culprits broke into the locker room and a room where alcohol and cigarettes are stored. A quantity of cigarettes valued at €4,000 was taken from the vending machine and a lot of damage was caused to the machine. Anyone with information is asked to contact Trim or Kilmessan Garda Stations. Enfield Gardai are investigating the theft of a Toyota Corolla that was parked outside a house in Johnstown Way where the keys were taken in a break-in to the house. The car was parked up at 10pm on 28th May and the owner discovered it was stolen at 9am the next morning. The rear door of the house was forced and the keys to an 08 Dublin-registered silver Toyota Corolla saloon were taken. The vehicle has not been recovered. Gardai in Enfield are also investigating a break-in to a house at Blackwater Park between 3pm and 6.30pm on 30th May. A side window was forced but it is understood that nothing was taken. Meanwhile, a stolen red Mercedes box van was recovered by Gardai in Rathmolyon yesterday (Tuesday) morning. The vehicle, which has a ILZ registration, was reported stolen to the PSNI in Northern Ireland on 25th May. Gardai believe the vehicle may have been involved in the theft of fuel or diesel laundering. It was found parked at the car park adjacent to the church in Rathmolyon. Anyone with further information on the vehicle is asked to contact Trim Gardai who have said that any information received will be treated confidentially.