Second in series of movies on artists

Solstice Arts Centre in association with Meath Arts Group present a film screening of the 2002 film 'Frida' on Wednesday 9th June, at 7.30pm. 'Frida' is the second instalment in a new season at Solstice which examines the works of legendary visual artists through film. Starring Salma Hayek, this biopic chronicles the life of Mexican artist Frida Kahlo, who channeled the pain of a crippling injury and her tempestuous marriage into her work Starting and ending with Frida on her deathbed, the film spans the famous painter's life from her teenage years to her death at the young age of 47. From start to finish, Frida is portrayed as a relentlessly energized, self-righteous, headstrong, asserted woman. She had liberal views and a socialist political stance. She was bisexual and promiscuous. She drank and abused painkillers, sang and danced, and fearlessly poured her pain and beauty into her paintings. At the age of 18, Frida was horribly injured in a bus accident. Though she learned to walk again, she lived her life in physical agony, enduring multiple surgeries, and eventually needing a wheelchair. Yet her condition did not stop her from having an exciting, tumultuous life as the wife of famed artist and womaniser Diego Rivera, who mentored her in her own work and encouraged her passions. While Frida's life is the main focus, her work is always present and the action of the film often fades into paintings and vice versa. Director Taymor has created a lively and dramatically emotive film, capturing Frida's endearing resiliency with colour, music, and, of course, art. Tickets are €8 and available from Solstice Arts Centre Box Office on (046) 909 2300. Audiences will enjoy a serving of wine and cheese on the evening.