Cllr Joe Reilly pictured at the beauty spot in Bohermeen bog where a large amount of beer bottles had been mindlessly dumped.

Dumping on bog 'an act of sheer vandalism'

The dumping of several hundred beer bottles and cardboard boxes on the roadside at Bohermeen has been condemned by Cllr Joe Reilly. The Sinn Fein Navan councillor described the dumping of the bottles, boxes and other rubbish in the scenic area of Bohermeen Bog and Coilte forest as "an act of sheer vandalism" carried out by a mindless, sly, mean, dirty person who cares little for the Bohermeen environment and even less for the people of the district. "Up to a 1,000 beer bottles and boxes were dumped by some mean person, who did not have the intelligence to realise that, for less than the price of one of the beers, the bottles and boxes could have taken to the local amenity centre and re-cycled," said Cllr Reilly. "Not only have they helped to destroy the countryside, but it will also cost the taxpayers to have Meath County Council remove the rubbish and have it properly re-cycled." Cllr Reilly said it appeared the bottles were dumped after a house party. "I would urge anyone who has information as to who dumped the rubbish to inform Meath County Council or myself so that legal action can be taken against them. Dumping of rubbish is an act of environmental vandalism against a local community and the community facilities used by people. It is not acceptable and communities who try to keep their part of the countryside clean deserve better support," he said.