Hundreds of shoppers flocked to McElhinney's re-opening sale recently.

Bargain-hunters revitalise Athboy economy

Just a week after it reopened following its shock closure in June, people are flocking back to McElhinney's in Athboy. The shop reopened last week with a major sale to make way for new autumn stock, having closed in early June following its liquidation. A deal hammered out between proprietor Neal Sweeney and the Flairline Fashion Group has allowed the shop to reopen for business, much to the delight of the 50+ staff members who have been re-engaged and other businesses in the town who stand to benefit from shoppers visiting the town. Samantha Dugdale, from Delvin, was there last Friday with her daughter shopping for a debs dress. "We were very surprised when it closed down," she said. "We were actually shocked. It's a big thrill to come here, it's like going to Dublin," she said. In fact, people have been travelling from Dublin to shop at the landmark premises. Betty Murphy and Mairead Cooney both travelled from the city. They said the service was worth the travel and both had been devastated when the shop closed. Emilia and Robert Boggs come from Newry in Northern Ireland twice a year just to shop in McElhinney's. "Emilia likes the experience," Robert said. "I'm only here because I'm not the boss." They praised the staff, saying they make time for their customers. It wasn't just shoppers who felt the loss of the shop - the whole town suffered as a result, according to Amanda Daly, who travelled from Clonmellon with Joan O'Looney for a day's shopping in McElhinney's. Maureen Phelan lives in Athboy and grew up with McElhinney's. She remembers Molly McElhinney, who founded the business in 1937. "I never suspected it would close. It used to be very well-dressed ladies who shopped here, women of a certain status. It was like Harrod's," she recalled.