Dave Lawlor claims credit for the showband revival.

Nostalgia time with Dave Lawlor in Knightsbrook

THE SHOWBANDS were a truly unique Irish entertainment phenomenon from the mid-1950s to the early 1970s and produced such names as Brendan Bowyer, Dickie Rock, Joe Dolan, Butch Moore, and Red Hurley to name but a few. The popularity that the showbands still enjoy around the country today owes a lot to Dave Lawlor. In 1991, Dave started the whole revival of the showband era. He had turned professional in 1985 and spent the next five years building up his name and profile around the country doing cabaret, song contests and anything he could to climb this ladder. He also released his first single in 1989 called 'Don't Give In' written and produced by Roberto Danova who also wrote many hits for Joe Dolan.In 1990, Dave put his first band together under the guidance of Noel Carthy and Willie Carthy. They went on tour in November 1990 doing their first gig in the Mount Brandon Hotel in Tralee. In January of '91, Dave, Noel and Willie decided to put together a medley of showband hits and release a single to promote the new show. The single was aptly names 'Nostalgia Time'. It hit the airwaves in February and was an instant hit. It took off like wildfire all over the country on radio stations. It early march it went into the Irish national charts at Number 3. In the following weeks it moved up to Number 2. As well as numerous TV appearances, Dave and the band appeared live from the National Concert Hall with Larry Gogan and Ann Doyle. Dave and his band toured all over Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales, Sweden and the Orkney Islands. In the following five years, three more medleys followed and all hit the top five in the charts. 2011 is the twentieth anniversary of the release of 'Nostalgia Time' and is still being played all over Ireland. Since its success, showband shows have been selling out venues and they are still going strong. Since 1996, Dave has had huge success with hits such as 'Slipaway' which was given to Dave by his good friend Derek Davis, an d'Drive Safely Darling' 'Boulavogue' and 'San Bernadino' all making a big impact on the Irish national charts. In this 20th anniversary year of Nostalgia Time, Dave is in the studio recording and has plans in place to release a 'greatest hits' album. Two more singles are in the pipeline to be released before the summer, and he performs at the old time dancing at Knightsbrook Hotel, Trim, on Sunday next, 13th February.