Fiona Irwin (Green Party)

A Green Party member for over 20 years, this is Fiona Irwin's first time standing for election. From Garristown, she has worked as a medical scientist for 27 years in both the public and private sector and is also a qualified science teacher. Equality of access and greater efficiencies in healthcare, along with a patient-centred service are policy priorities and her educational background has informed her belief in equal education opportunities as being essential for social justice and equality, with a particular emphasis on the basics of education in primary schools. As a rural dweller, she believes everyone should have access to locally-produced food, in season, and where practical. She is also a strong advocate of state-supported transport options that can link in with bus and train routes for workers, students and those who can't drive, especially in rural areas where car dependency is more common for daily transport. She also sees improvement of national transport and water infrastructure as an important quality of life issue for all citizens