Jenny McHugh (Labour)

The Labour Party's Jenny McHugh is currently a member of Meath County Council, having first been elected in June 2009. She is principal of St Stephen's National School in Johnstown, Navan. From a farming background in County Mayo, she is married with children. Cllr McHugh is a member of Meath VEC, the Mid-East Regional Authority, Comhairle Na nÓg, Navan Enterprise Board, the Meath County Enterprise Board, Meath County Council's Planning and Infrastructure Protocol Committee and is a member of three school boards of management. She says she entered politics because she wanted to see real change. "We need change to give our children a better future. We need change that gives us a government that is innovative and accountable. Jobs, education and health are my priorities," she says. She adds that she is committed to defending vital services in Our Lady's Hospital and expanding primary care services and determined to rectify the unfairness in education and to deliver schools that are urgently needed. "On jobs, I'll campaign for an expanded apprenticeship programme, lower costs for small and medium businesses and increased support for entrepreneurs," she adds. "I am committed to changing Ireland for the better, for a different Ireland which will include fairness, inclusion and hope."