Littering habits of smokers
Dear sir - I have been considering applying for a part-time job with the environment section of the Meath County Council . Why? Because day after day I have been picking up used cigarette packets before depositing them in a bin. Although not as fit as a few years ago, the regular stretching down to the pavement has been providing good exercise for me. While on the way to the shop to get a morning newspaper, it is not unusual to pick up four or five packets in a walk of less than half a mile. While it is sad to see so many people still indulging in the wasteful pursuit of smoking, it is more annoying that a good number of them cannot properly dispose of the little boxes. Surely a more vigilant approach is needed to lessen such irresponsible behaviour by thoughtless litter louts. A few fines could help them mend their silly ways. It is bad enough to see employees from shops and other businesses in Navan smoking outside their place of work but even more annoying to observe them throwing cigarette butts on the ground instead of taking a few steps to a bin. Yours, Eric Rice, Trim Road, Navan.