Set realistic targets for new year resolutions
The rush of new year resolutions is on. January brings with it plenty of promises to get fit, quit smoking, or eat healthy - often promises that are quickly broken, barely half way through the month. So why do people choose a month that is so widely complained about to make drastic changes to their lives? The key to a successful new year plan is to set realistic targets over a period of time. Small steps are best and easier to tackle. Dramatic changes faced head on may just bring resentment before the month of January meets its end. The over indulgence on food and drink during the holidays brings a wave of fitness enthusiasts to gyms and yoga studios, in a bid to loose the excess pounds. See your new year resolve as a new beginning, rather than a sacrifice. Writing down your goals also improves your chances of completing them. Set measurable targets and harness the support of your family and friends. A group goal, by getting your friends involved is always a good incentive to get moving, however bear in mind that if a friend or two falls off the wagon it doesn't mean you join them. This is where new year resolves with a difference play a part. Perhaps instead of focusing on weight loss, by cutting out your favourite foods, make a promise to yourself to be more courageous. In times of reaching for that sugary snack, have the courage to stop yourself. If friends do let you down on your group fitness plan, have the courage to continue on your own. Instead of promising your children that more time will be spent with them in the New Year, make a promise to yourself instead to be more giving and spontaneous. Practising patience, compassion, generosity and bravery are so worthwhile and rewarding. By keeping it real and heartfelt, your resolutions will succeed - before you know it what began as a January promise will have turned into a brand new way of life for you. Claire Maguire is founder of The Yoga Room, Ashbourne, a very popular yoga school which teaches Ashtanga and Pregnancy yoga. Newcomers welcome. See