Aoife King, a community garda based in Kells, limbering up with RTE's Barbara McMahon and Bryan Dobson before the Pink Ribbon Walk on Saturday.

Annual breast cancer 10km fundraiser brings 500 to Kells

It was a feelgood day all round in Kells last Sunday, and even the gardai got into the swing of things. Up to 500 women - and several men - from all over Ireland descended on Kells to take part in the fourth Kells Pink Ribbon Walk, where participants ran or walked 10km through the picturesque surroundings of Drewstown House and Girley Eco Bog. It was all hands on deck around Kells to paint the town pink as 100 specially designed large pink flags and nearly 800 pink balloons were hung on poles, shop fronts and trees. People and businesses around the town also got in on the action as they wore pink t-shirts for the occasion. The walk is the brainchild of a group of local Kells women, some of whom have survived breast cancer themselves, including Siobhan Reilly (34) from Dulane, who participated in Saturday's walk along with a gang of friends. TV presenter and fashion stylist Barbara McMahon, an ambassador for Pink Ribbon Walk, was on hand to help launch the event, as was RTE news anchor, Bryan Dobson, who has served as the ambassador for the event since its inauguration in 2009. To see the full story and pics see this week's Meath Chronicle.