Ray and Charlie Purfield

Potholes delay hospital dash

 Massive potholes delayed an anxious family’s urgent dash to hospital with a seriously ill baby, when the horrific road conditions in Carlanstown, caused a tyre to blow out.
The Purfield family of Drakerath, Carlanstown are terrified that their little boy, Charlie, who had a serious heart operation last May, might not get help in time if he needs it.
Ray Purfield says the road outside his house, on the Strand Road, Drakerath is like a minefield.
“Some of the holes are half way up my shins, when I am standing in them,” he said.
Mr Purfield and his wife, Michelle are concerned for their son who had major heart surgery earlier this year.
“He still has up and downs and we often have to drop everything and rush to Crumlin at any hour of the day.
“It came to a head recently when at 2.30 in the morning, little Charlie took bad and we were advised to head to Crumlin. “As you can imagine, these things happen in a rush and while heading through our minefield, I got a blow out and had to swap cars.
“Now, thank God, everything was fine in the end, but what if those few minutes make a difference in getting to hospital in time! If an ambulance is needed how would they get here in time ?,” he asked.
Mr Purfield said that cars need to be crawling along the road, which runs in a horseshoe off the N52 near Staholmog, in order to avoid the potholes and it is difficult to see them at night.
“I am afraid of my life that something will happen and that we will not be able to get out.
“When a child is sick, you don’t want to have to spend 10 minutes, travelling just 100metres.
“We live less than half a mile from the main road, but it literally takes us more than 10 minutes to get to it.
 A spokesperson for Meath County council said they are aware of the problems on this lane, which is on a prioritisation list for road restoration works in 2014.
“However, the Council  will endeavour to carry out some interim repairs to facilitate access,” she said.