Ronan Casey.

Chronicle features in local newspaper book

The Meath Chronicle makes the cut in new book of best headlines and stories from Ireland’s local newspapers, 'Medium Sized Town, Fairly Big Story' by Ronan Casey.

Ronan Casey is the king of local news.  Each week he reads through every local newspaper in Ireland and picks the best, unique hilarious stories from the towns and villages the length and breadth of the country for his local news slot on TV3’s Ireland AM. The best of those headlines and stories has been gathered together in a hilarious new book, Medium Sized Town, Fairly Big Story: The stories that made the headlines in Ireland’s local newspapers … and nowhere else, published this week by Gill & Macmillan.

The Meath Chronicle features in the book with the story ‘Dublin and Cork get jobs, while Navan gets Silage’ and ‘Meath man thought Garda’s car was a taxi’, among others!

Medium Sized Town, Fairly Big Story  started out with Ronan and Hector Ó hEochagáin on 2FM’s Breakfast Show before moving to Ireland AM. Hector describes the book as a ‘window on the real soul of Ireland, a snapshot of the way we were, the way we are and, hopefully, the way we’ll always will be’.

In Medium Sized Town, Fairly Big Story you’ll find the stories that really matter to Irish people. Ireland’s famous wit and charm is evident in every headline. It’s sure to be found in every Christmas stocking this year!

Currently a fixture on TV3’s Ireland AM show, Ronan Casey brings the most ludicrous stories from Ireland’s local newspapers to air every week. As a journalist he has written for many newspapers including the Irish Independent, The Irish Times and The Star, and he spent over a decade with the Westmeath Examiner/Celtic Media Group.  He is the author of a critically-acclaimed, bestselling biography of the late Joe Dolan for Penguin Ireland in 2008. He lives in Mullingar with his wife and two children.