Expect increase in garda checkpoints this month garda warn
Gardaí throughout County Meath plan to increase the number of checkpoints following the launch of the Christmas and New Year crackdown on drink-driving.
According to Superintendent Mick Devine, combating drink-driving is a year-round activity for An Garda Síochána. With the festive season approaching, however, drivers can expect to see more gardaí manning checkpoints on local roads in December and January.
'Our focus isn't on catching people,' he said. 'It's about preventing people getting into bother accident-wise or otherwise over the Christmas period,' he said.
Supt Devine has appealed to drivers to use their common sense and stay safe on the roads over the coming weeks.
'By and large, people are not engaging in drink-driving at this stage. People more or less have learned the lesson and we have moved on,' he added. 'But for anybody who is thinking about driving while under the influence of alcohol, we would strongly advise against it as gardaí will be out in strength.'
Transport Minister Paschal Donohoe has also announced new legislation that will give gardaí greater powers to target drivers suspected of driving while intoxicated.
Gardaí will have the power to conduct new roadside tests such as asking drivers to walk in a straight line. The findings of these tests will be permissible as evidence in court.
It will also be possible for gardaí to take a specimen of blood from a driver who is incapacitated following a road traffic collision. This has not been possible to date as a driver has, in law, the option of consenting or refusing to provide a specimen.
This closes a controversial loophole.