Oldcastle premiere for animated film
Kitchen Cupboard Productions this week premiere the animated film ‘Conan & The Magical Light of Loughcrew’. Following the success of the book “Conan & The Mystical Magical Light Of Loughcrew”, author Tina Halpin and illustrator Lisa Brady have collaborated with animator Margaret McKenna to create an animated film which brings young Conan’s adventures on the Loughcrew hills to life.
The film tells the story of Conan and his father who, in the darkness of the night, make their way to the top of Sliabh na Caillaigh to view the spectacle of the rising sun hitting the backstone at dawn. It brings to life the magic and mystery of the ‘Hill of the Witch’, which 5,000 years later can still be seen twice a year at the spring and autumn Equinox.
While there are many insightful books and technical descriptions of the megalithic monuments at Loughcrew, until now there has been nothing to fire the imagination of children.
‘Watching so many children and families visiting the Loughcrew Cairns was my inspiration for the book and turning it into a film takes the magic one step further,’ said Halpin. The collaboration between the three women – most of which takes places around their respective kitchen tables – feeds off their shared passion for the area and the wonder of having such an ancient monument on their doorstep.
The premiere of the film will take place on Friday 20th March at 7.30 pm in The Cinema Club (the old Castle Cinema), Oliver Plunkett Street, Oldcastle. Admission Free.