Green light for new playground in trim
Trim's playground is to be expanded and revamped following two years of fundraising and negotiation by Trim Playground Development Committee.
The news is a major boost for the local committee which has raised €40,000 to date. These funds have been supplemented by a capital spending allocation of €100,000 by Meath County Council and a €20,000 allocation from central government.
The project at the existing playground site off Watergate Street has also been fast-tracked, with work due to commence later this month, though it is subject to weather conditions.
According to Joanne Neilson, a member of Trim Playground Development Committee, the works will include the cleaning and refurbishment of existing equipment, the addition of new structures and equipment, and the expansion of the playground area.
The playground will also feature sensory equipment, designed specifically for children with special needs, and a state-of-the-art wheelchair swing.
Other equipment will include a balancing beam, stepping posts, an imaginative play wall, a junior unit 'woodcote shop', a climbing whirl, two large boulders, a half tubular slide and a bespoke climbing unit.
The news was welcomed by local councillor, Noel French, who described the project as 'a major new facility' for Trim. 'It is a badly required amenity for both local children and visitors to the town,' he said.
'I also want to pay tribute to the local playground committee for their fundraising and promotion of this new facility.'
According to Cllr French, the new playground will assist the town in the Entente Florale 2015 competition. However, he added that such facilities are also badly needed in other towns and villages in south Meath.
While the committee welcomed the good news following a lengthy process that involved the assessment of multiple sites in the Trim area, work remains to be done on the fundraising side, according to Ms Neilson.
'We have to raise €15,000 by the end of 2015 to contribute towards this exciting project so we hope everyone can get behind us for this final push,' she added. 'Support us at events, be nice and generous if we knock on your door, contact us if you have any ideas or even drop us a few euro through PayPal.'
For more information, visit the 'Trim Playground - Let's Make It Great' page on Facebook or email