Tara to seek big expansion of tailings pond
What has been described as ‘a massive lateral extension’ to the Tara Mines tailings pond at Randalstown, Navan is expected to be the subject of a planning application before the end of the year.
Previous plans to extend the pond which stores waste matter from the zinc and lead mining process, has proven controversial and met with strong opposition from local communities.
The extension of the pond would cover an area north of the existing boundary at Randalstown, towards the Kilberry to Gibbstown road. The existing facility occupies an area of 170 hectares.
Boliden Tara Mines is expected to lodge a planning application later this year for the expansion, which the company say would allow for mining to continue past 2019.
The Mayor of Navan, Cllr Joe Reilly, called for transparency in the consultation process and urged Meath County Council to ensure that a sufficient bond is in place for mine aftercare and in particular for any expansions of the mine to meet all of the mine’s care and maintenance requirements.
“I have expressed on a number of previous occasions my concerns as to the amount of funding/bond being put aside for the care and maintenance of the mine on completion of production,” he said.
Tara Mines, which has been operating for the past 38 years has written to councillors outlining proposals to continue the life of mining operations.
The letter states that it is the company’s intention to ensure local residents, relevant national organisations and statutory bodies are kept fully informed of the proposal.