Holy Week ceremonies in diocese of Meath
Parishes in the Diocese of Meath will this week celebrate the Easter Triduum with various liturgies during Holy Week and on Easter Sunday.
These ceremonies include the Mass of the Lord’s Supper (Holy Thursday), the Passion of the Lord (Good Friday) and the Easter Vigil (Holy Saturday).
The theme of the Year of Mercy is likely to feature prominently in many of these ceremonies, with all parishes providing opportunities to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Bishop Michael Smith will preside at the Chrism Mass on Wednesday at 7pm in the Cathedral of Christ the King, Mullingar. Priests will renew the promises they first made on the day they were ordained. The Diocese of Meath has 123 diocesan priests, most of whom are serving in our 69 parishes, schools and hospitals. A number of religious and missionary priests will also take part in the Chrism Mass, during which the holy oils will be blessed and consecrated. The Oil of Catechumens will be carried forward by members of the diocesan youth team who will attend World Youth Day in Krakow, Poland later this year. The Oil of the Sick will be presented to the Bishop by seven lay people from the Diocese of Meath who practise the seven Corporal Works of Mercy, while clergy celebrating their 25th, 50th and 60th priestly jubilees this year will present the vessels with the Oil for the Sacred Chrism.
Among the Holy Week events, parishes will pray the traditional Stations of the Cross. In several places, this liturgy will be conducted outdoors (Bohermeen, Castlepollard, Drogheda, Kingscourt, Kinnegad, Mullingar, Navan, Trim and Tullamore). Some parishes will celebrate a Dawn Mass on Easter Sunday (Collinstown, Drumraney, Kingscourt, Mullingar, Nobber and Tullamore).
Liturgies for the Polish community in the Diocese of Meath will be celebrated in the following parishes: Ashbourne, Castlepollard, St Mary’s Drogheda, Kingscourt, Mullingar, Navan, Trim and Tullamore.
The following are the Holy Week ceremonies
in some parishes in the Diocese of Meath 2016
Holy Thursday Curraha 6.30pm Mass of the Last Supper with Confessions before
Ardcath 8.00pm Mass of the Last Supper with Confessions after
Good Friday Clonalvy 3.00pm Stations of the Cross
Curraha 6.30pm Passion of Our Lord
Ardcath 8.00pm Passion of Our Lord
Holy Saturday Ardcath 6.30pm Easter Vigil
Curraha 8.00pm Easter Vigil
Easter Sunday Clonalvy 10.00am Mass of the Resurrection
Curraha 11.30am Mass of the Resurrection
Sunday 20th Mass in the Lithuanian Language at 6.30 pm in Ashbourne
Wednesday Confessions in Polish Language 6-7 pm in Ashbourne
Holy Thursday 8.00 pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper and Adoration in Ashbourne
Good Friday 10.00 am-11.00am Confessions in Ashbourne
3.00 pm The Passion of the Lord in Ashbourne
7.00 pm Way of the Cross in Ashbourne
5 - 6 pm Confessions in Polish Language
Holy Saturday 10.00 am-11.00am Confessions in Ashbourne
12.45 pm Polish Blessing of food in Ashbourne
8.00 pm Easter Vigil in Donaghmore
9.00 pm Easter Vigil in Ashbourne
Easter Sunday 9.00 am, 11.00 am and 12.30 pm in Ashbourne
10.00 am in Donaghmore
Monday of Holy Week 7.30 pm Penitential Service
Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7.30pm with Confessions after Mass
Good Friday Stations of the Cross with the Folk Group at 3.00pm
The Passion of the Lord at 7.30pm with Confessions afterwards
Holy Saturday Confessions from 2.00pm until 3.00pm
Easter Vigil at 8.00pm
Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 8.00pm in Ballinabrackey
Good Friday Way of the Cross at 3.00 pm in Castlejordan followed by confessions
The Passion of the Lord at 8.00pm in Ballinabrackey
Holy Saturday Easter Vigil at 8.00pm in Ballinabrackey preceded by confessions
Easter Sunday 10.00am Mass in Castlejordan, 11.30am Mass in Ballinabrackey
Holy Thursday
7.00pm: Mass of the Lord’s Supper in St. Columbanus’ Church
Good Friday
3.00pm: The Passion in St. Columbanus’ Church
7.00pm: Stations of the Cross in St Dympna’s Hall
Holy Saturday
8.00pm: Easter Vigil in St Dympna’s Church
Easter Sunday
10.00am: Mass in St Dympna’s Church
11.30am: Mass in St. Columbanus’ Church
Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord's supper 7.30 pm
Good Friday The Passion of the Lord 7.30 pm
Holy Saturday Easter Vigil at 7.30 pm
Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper in Beauparc at 7.30pm
Holy Hour 9.00pm to 10.00 pm
Adoration will continue till 10.00 pm
Mass of the Lord’s Supper in Kentstown at 8.00pm
Adoration until 12 noon
Good Friday Way of the Cross in Beauparc at 3.00pm
The Passion of the Lord in Kentstown at 3.00pm
The Passion of the Lord in Beauparc at 7.30pm
Way of the Cross in Kentstown at 8.00pm
Holy Saturday Easter Vigil Mass in Kentstown at 8.00pm
Easter Vigil Mass in Beauparc at 9.00pm
Easter Sunday Mass in Kentstown at 9.30am and 11.30am
Mass in Beauparc at 10.30am
Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord's Supper, Bohermeen 8.00pm
Good Friday Stations of the Cross (outdoor) Bohermeen 3.00pm
' The Passion of the Lord, Cortown 8.00pm
Holy Saturday Easter Vigil, Bohermeen 8.00pm
(may change - check locally)CASTLEPOLLARD PARISH
Holy Thursday Castlepollard - Confessions 3.00pm-3.30pm & 7.15pm-7.45pm
8.00 pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper with Exposition of Blessed
Sacrament until 10.00pm
Castletown – Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7.30pm
Good Friday Station of the Cross in Maple Court at 10.30am
Castlepollard - The Passion of the Lord at 3 pm
Ecumenical Way of the Cross at 6 pm in town square
Finea - The Passion of the Lord at 7.30 pm
Taize Prayer around the Cross at 9 pm
Holy Saturday Confessions in Castlepollard at 3.00pm-3.30pm
Blessing of Polish Food & Easter Gifts in Castlepollard at 10.30am
Easter Vigil in Castlepollard at 9.00pm
Easter Vigil in Castletown at 7.30pm
Easter Sunday Castlepollard 9.30 am & 11.30am; Finea 10.30am
Holy Thursday Castletown-Geoghegan Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7.30pm.
Tyrrellspass - Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 6.30pm
Raheenmore Mass of the Lord's Supper 5.00pm
Good Friday Castletown-Geoghegan Stations of the Cross 3.00pm
Castletown-Geoghegan The Passion of the Lord 7.30pm
Tyrrellspass - The Passion of the Lord at 6.30pm
Tyrrellspass - Way of the Cross at 9.30pm. Confessions available.
Raheenmore The Passion of the Lord 3.00pm
Holy Saturday Easter Vigil in Castletown-Geoghegan at 9pm.
Easter Vigil in Tyrrellspass at 6.30pm.
Easter Sunday Easter Sunday Morning Mass in Castletown-Geoghegan 11.30am
Easter Sunday Morning Mass in Tyrrellspass at 10am.
Easter Sunday Morning Mass in Raheenmore 9.00am
Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7.30pm.
Good Friday The Passion of the Lord 3pm in Fletcherstown
Way of the Cross 7.30pm in Castletown
Holy Saturday Easter Vigil 9pm in Castletown
Easter Sunday 10am in Fletcherstown and 11.30am in Castletown.
Holy Thursday
Clara: Children’s Mass 5.00pm and Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7.30pm.
Horseleap Mass of the Lord’s Supper, 7.00pm
Good Friday
Live Dramatic re-enactment of the Way of the Cross and Crucifixion in the
Green Field across from St. Brigid’s Church, Clara, at 1.15pm.
Clara: The Passion of the Lord 3.00pm and Way of the Cross, 8.30pm.
Horseleap: The Passion of the Lord 5.00pm.
Clara: Easter Vigil, 9.00pm.
Horseleap: Easter Vigil, 7.00pm
Confessions in Clara Saturday 2.00pm – 3.00pm and in Horseleap before all Ceremonies.
Holy Thursday: St Feichin's Morning Prayer 10.00am
Mass of the Lord's Supper St Feichin's - 6.00pm
St Mary's - Mass of the Lord's Supper at 8.00 pm followed by
Eucharistic Procession to the Parish Pastoral Centre with Prayer before
the Altar of Repose until 12 pm. Night Prayer 11.45 pm
Good Friday: St Feichin's Morning Prayer 10.00am
Celebration of the Lord's Passion 6.00pm
St Mary's Celebration of the Lord's Passion 3.00pm
Stations of the Cross mimed by the parish youth team 8.00pm
Prayer around the Cross & Confessions 9.00 pm until 10 pm
Holy Saturday: Morning Prayer 10.00am
St Mary's Easter Vigil 9.00pm
Easter Sunday: Fore Abbey The Dawn Mass 7.00am (please note later start)
St Feichin's 10.00am
St Mary's 11.30am
Easter Monday: St Mary's Mass, 11 am
Divine Mercy
Sunday 3rd April, St Mary’s church Celebrations, 2pm with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Mass, 3.30pm.
11.30am Mass in Collinstown
Holy Thursday: Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 8.00pm in Coole
Good Friday: Stations of the Cross at 2.00pm in Whitehall
2.45 pm to 3.45 pm & 6-7 pm Confessions in Whitehall
The Passion of the Lord at 5.00pm in Whitehall
Holy Saturday: Easter Vigil at 7.00pm in Coole
Tuesday Penitential Service at 7.15pm in Delvin
Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 5.00pm in Killulagh & 8.00pm in Delvin
Good Friday Stations of the Cross 12 noon in Delvin
The Passion of the Lord at 5.00pm in Killulagh & 8.00pm in Delvin
Holy Saturday Easter Vigil at 9pm in Delvin
Confessions: After ceremonies on Thursday and Friday:
also 2.00pm - 2.30pm & 7.00pm - 7.30pm on Saturday in Delvin
& 12 noon on Sat in Killulagh.
Holy Thursday Mass of the Lords Supper at 7.30pm; Altar of Repose until 10pm
Good Friday Way of the Cross at 3.00pm
The Passion of the Lord at 7.30pm
Holy Saturday Easter Vigil at 8.00pm
Easter Sunday Masses at 10.00am, 11.00am and 12.30pm
Holy Thursday: Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7.30pm
Adoration at the Altar of Repose until 10.00pm with night prayer
Confessions during Adoration
Good Friday Morning Prayer at 10.00am
Public Way of the Cross in town, starting at St Mary’s at 10.30am
The Passion of the Lord at 3.00pm
The Way of the Cross, led by young people, at 8.00pm
Holy Saturday Blessing of food for Polish Community 9.00am
Morning Prayer 10.00am
Confessions 3.00-4.00pm & 7.00-8.00pm
Easter Vigil 9.00pm
Easter Sunday Masses at 9.00am; 10.30am; 12 noon and 7.00pm
Polish Mass 2.00pm
Holy Thursday Drumraney at 6.00pm
Forgney at 7.00pm
Ballymore at 7.30 pm
Tang at 9.00pm
Good Friday Drumraney at 3.00 pm
Boher at 5.00 pm
Forgney at 3.00pm
Tang at 7.00pm
Ballymore at 7.30 pm
Holy Saturday Easter Vigil in Ballymore 7.30pm
Easter Vigil in Forgney at 6.15 pm & Tang at 9.00 pm
Easter Sunday Drumraney - Dawn Mass at 6.30 am
Boher 9.00 am
Tang 10.00 am
Drumraney 11.15 am
Ballymore 11.30 am
Holy Thursday
Duleek Mass of the Lord’s Supper followed by Confessions and Adoration, 7.30pm
Bellewstown Mass of the Lord’s Supper followed by Adoration, 6.15pm
Good Friday
Duleek The Passion of the Lord, 3.00pm and 7.30pm
Bellewstown The Passion of Our Lord, 6.15pm
Holy Saturday
Duleek Confessions 12 noon – 1.00pm; 2.00pm – 3.00pm 6.30 pm – 7.15pm
Easter Vigil Mass at 7.30pm
Bellewstown Confessions 5.00pm – 6.00pm
Easter Vigil Mass at 6.15pm
Easter Sunday
Duleek Mass of the Resurrection at 9.00am and 11.30am
Bellewstown Mass of the Resurrection at 10.00am
Holy Thursday
Dunboyne Morning Prayer at 10.00am
Confessions at 7.00pm – 7.30pm
Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 8.00pm followed by Adoration
Night Prayer at 11.00pm
Kilbride Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7.30pm
Good Friday
Dunboyne Morning Prayer at 10.0am
Confessions at 1.45pm – 2.30pm and 4.00pm – 5.00pm
The Passion of the Lord at 3.00pm
Way of the Cross at 8.00pm
Kilbride Confessions at 6.30pm – 7.00pm
The Passion of the Lord at 7.30pm
Holy Saturday
Dunboyne Morning Prayer at 10.00am
Confessions at 11.00am – 12 noon and 4.00pm – 5.00pm
Solemn Celebration of the Easter Vigil at 9.00pm
Holy Thursday
Dunshaughlin: Mass of the Lord’s Supper 8.00pm
Confessions 12 - 1pm and after 8.00pm Mass
Culmullen: Mass of the Lord’s Supper 8.00pm followed by Confessions
Good Friday
Dunshaughlin: Stations of the Cross & Liturgy 3.00pm followed by Confessions
The Passion of the Lord 8.00pm
Culmullen: Stations of the Cross 12 noon
The Passion of the Lord 3.00pm
Holy Saturday
Dunshaughlin: Easter Vigil 9.00pm
Confessions 12 noon – 1.00pm and 4.00pm – 5.00pm
Culmullen: Easter Vigil 9.00pm
Confessions at 3.00 pm
Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper in Loughnavally 8.00pm
Good Friday Liturgy of the Passion in Dysart at 3 pm
Stations of the Cross, Loughnavalley at 8.00pm
Holy Saturday Confessons in Loughnavalley 3-4 pm
Easter Vigil at 9.00pm in Dysart
Easter Sunday Mass at 10.00am in Loughnavally and 11.15am in Dysart
Divine Mercy Sunday, Chaplet & Benediction, Loughnavalley, 3 p. m.
Holy Thursday 8pm at St John the Baptist Church, Rath
Good Friday 3pm at St John the Baptist Church Rath and 8pm at St James, Eglish
Easter Vigil 9pm at St James Church, Eglish
Easter Sunday 9.30am at St James Church, Eglish and 11am St John the Baptist, Rath
Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper Jordanstown 7.00pm & Rathmolyon
Good Friday Stations of the Cross 3 pm in Jordanstown and Rathmolyon
The Passion of the Lord - Jordanstown 7.00pm & Rathmolyon 8.00pm
Holy Saturday Easter Vigil – Jordanstsown 7.00 pm & Rathmolyon 8.00pm
Confessions 3 pm in Jordanstown and Rathmolyon
Thursday Walterstown 6.00pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper
Johnstown 7.30pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper and Adoration until 10.00pm
Good Friday Walterstown: Childrens Drama of the Way of the Cross at 3pm
Johnstown 3pm Way of the Cross and 7.30pm The Passion of the Lord
Holy Saturday Easter Vigil in Johnstown at 9.00pm
Holy Thursday
Kells Masses at 5pm and 8pm
Girley Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 8pm
Good Friday
Kells Way of the Cross at 10am
Confessions at 2pm – 2.30pm
The Passion of the Lord 3pm and 8pm
Girley The Passion of the Lord at 8pm
Holy Saturday
Kells Confessions at 12 noon – 1pm and 2pm – 3pm
Easter Vigil at 8pm
Girley Confessions 5.30pm - 6pm
Easter Sunday Kells - Masses at 9am, 11am & 12.15pm
Girley - Mass at 10am
Thursday: Mass of the Last Supper, Staholmog at 8:00pm - Adoration until 10 pm
Night Prayer for Vocations 10 pm in Kilbeg
Friday: Stations of the Cross, Staholmog at 3:00pm
The Passion of the Lord in Kilbeg at 8:00pm
Saturday: Easter Vigil, Kilbeg at 9:00pm
Easter Sunday Staholmog at 10:00am
Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper Kilbeggan 8.00pm
There are confessions after the ceremonies in Kilbeggan and time for prayer
before the Altar of Repose until 10pm
Good Friday Way of the Cross: Kilbeggan 3.00pm
The Passion of the Lord: Kilbeggan 8.00pm
There are confessions after both ceremonies in Kilbeggan
Holy Saturday Easter Vigil in Kilbeggan 8.00pm
Easter Sunday Mass of the Resurrection Rahugh 9.30am & Kilbeggan 11.00am
Holy Thursday Mass 7.30pm Kilcloon
Good Friday The Passion of the Lord 3pm Kilcloon
The Passion of the Lord 5pm in Batterstown
Holy Saturday Easter Vigil 9pm Kilcloon
Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper, Kilcormac 7.30pm, Mount Bolus 6.00pm
Good Friday Morning Prayer in Kilcormac at 10.00am
Way of the Cross in Kilcormac at 3.00pm
The Passion of the Lord, Kilcormac 7.30pm and Mount Bolus 6.00pm
Holy Saturday Easter Vigil in Mount Bolus at 7.30pm and Kilcormac at 9.00pm.
Holy Thursday
7.00pm: Mass of the Lord’s Supper in St. Columbanus’ Church
Good Friday
3.00pm: The Passion in St. Columbanus’ Church
7.00pm: Stations of the Cross in St Dympna’s Hall
Holy Saturday
8.00pm: Easter Vigil in St Dympna’s Church
Easter Sunday
10.00am: Mass in St Dympna’s Church
11.30am: Mass in St. Columbanus’ Church
Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord's Supper Kilmessan 8pm
Good Friday Way of the Cross Dunsany 3pm
The Passion of the Lord Kilmessan 8pm
Holy Saturday Easter Vigil Dunsany 9pm
Easter Sunday Mass 9.30am Dunsany and 11am Kilmessan
Holy Thursday Ballinlough 8.00pm
Good Friday Ballinlough: 3.00pm
Kilskyre: 8.00pm
Holy Saturday Easter Vigil in Ballinlough at 8.00pm
Easter Vigil in Kilskyre at 9.00 pm
Easter Sunday Kilskyre 11.30am & Ballinlough 10.00am
Holy Thursday Kingscourt
10am Morning Prayer of the Church
6-7pm Confessions
8pm Mass of The Lord's Supper
Followed by adoration before the Blessed Sacrament
11pm Night Prayer of the Church
Good Friday Kingscourt
10am Morning Prayer of the Church
1:30-2:30pm 6-7pm Confessions
8pm Celebration of the Lord's Passion
Muff 11am Stations of the Cross
Corlea 12noon Stations of the Cross
Ecumenical Way of the Cross
3pm beginning at St. Ernan's Church of Ireland
Holy Saturday Kingscourt
10am Morning Prayer of the Church
10:45 Blessing of the Food for the Polish community
12-1pm Confessions
7pm Easter Vigil
Easter Sunday 6am Dawn Mass at Lough an Leagh
Corlea 9am Mass
Kingscourt 10:30am Mass 12noon Mass
Easter Monday 10am Service 4pm Mass in Polish
Holy Thursday: 8.00pm, Church of the Assumption, Kinnegad.
Night Prayer for Vocations at 10 pm
Good Friday: 12.00 noon Outdoor Stations of the Cross, Clonard.
3.00pm Celebration of the Passion of the Lord, Kinnegad.
7.30pm Stations of the Cross, St Agnes Church Coralstown.
Holy Saturday: Easter Vigil 8.00pm in St Finian's Church, Clonard
Easter Sunday: 9.00am Clonard. 10.30am Coralstown. 12.00 noon Kinnegad
Confession during Holy Week - Holy Thursday 6.00pm to 7.30pm (Kinnegad).
Good Friday, after the commemoration of the Passion.
Holy Saturday - 1.30pm to 3.00pm (Kinnegad)
Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord's Supper at 7pm followed by Adoration until 10pm
Good Friday Stations of the Cross at 12 noon
The Passion of the Lord at 3pm
Prayer around the Cross - 9pm
Holy Saturday Easter Vigil at 9pm
Easter Sunday Masses at 10am and 12 noon
Holy Thursday 8pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper
Good Friday 3pm The Passion of the Lord
8pm Way of the Cross
Holy Saturday 9pm Easter Vigil
Holy Thursday Mountnugent 8.00pm and Ballinacree 9.00pm
Good Friday Ballinacree 3.00pm and Mountnugent 4.00pm
Holy Saturday Ballinacree 9.00pm Easter Vigil
Easter Sunday Mountnugent 8.30am, 11am and Ballinacree 9.45am
Holy Thursday
Newcastle Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7pm and Adoration until 11.00pm
Good Friday
Moynalty The Passion of the Lord 3pm followed by Confessions
Newcastle The Passion of the Lord 8pm followed by Confessions
Holy Saturday Moynalty Easter Vigil 9.00pm
Easter Sunday Moynalty - 8.30am and 11.15am
Newcastle - 10am
Holy Thursday Moynalvey at 7.30pm
Good Friday Stations of the Cross in Moynalvey at 12 noon & Kiltale at 3pm
The Passion of the Lord - Moynalvey at 3pm and Kiltale at 7.30pm
Holy Saturday Easter Vigil in Kiltale at 6.30pm and Moynalvey at 9pm
Easter Sunday Kiltale at 10.00am and Moynalvey at 11.30am
Tuesday 7.30pm Penitential Service at the Cathedral
Wednesday 7.00pm Mass of Chrism at the Cathedral
Confessions from 6pm and refreshments afterwards in the Parish
Community Centre
Holy Thursday Confessions at the Cathedral 4.00pm – 5.30pm
7.30pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper at the Cathedral
Night Prayer at 10.00pm
Good Friday Morning Prayer at 9.45am
Outdoor Way of the Cross at 12noon
The Passion of the Lord at the Cathedral & St Paul’s Church, 3.00 pm
Way of the Cross in Brotenstown at 7.00pm
The Passion of the Lord at the Cathedral at 7.30pm
Walshestown and Gainstown at 3 pm
4.00pm – 5.30pm Confessions at the Cathedral
Holy Saturday Morning Prayer at 9.45am
12 noon – 1.00pm Confessions at the Cathedral
2.30pm – 4.30pm Confessions at the Cathedral
9.00pm Easter Vigil at the Cathedral
Easter Sunday Dawn Mass at 6.30am at the shore of Lough Ennell
Holy Thursday: Leney Mass of the Lord's Supper 6.30pm
Multyfarnham Mass of the Lord's Supper 8pm
Night prayer for Vocations at 10pm
Good Friday: Leney Stations of the Cross at 12 noon
The Passion of the Lord at 7pm in Multyfarnham
Stations in Friary 8pm
Holy Saturday: Leney Easter Vigil 6.30pm
Multyfarnham Easter Vigil 8pm
Easter Sunday: Leney mass 9.30 am
Multyfarnham mass 11am
Holy Thursday
Mass of the Lord’s Supper in St. Oliver’s Church at 7pm and in St. Mary’s Church at 8pm
Night Prayer at 11pm in both Churches
Good Friday
Way of the Cross in St. Oliver’s Church at 10am
Ecumenical procession through the town, beginning at St. Mary’s Church, 12noon
The Passion of the Lord in St Mary’s Church at 3pm and St Oliver’s Church at 7pm
Prayer around the Cross in St. Mary’s Church at 9pm
Holy Saturday
Confessions in St. Mary’s Church, 12noon until 4pm.
Easter Vigil in St. Mary’s Church at 9pm
Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7.00 pm. Adoration until 9pm
Night Prayer for Vocations at 9 pm
Good Friday: Morning Prayer of the Church 10.00am
Stations of the Cross at 2.00pm
The Passion of the Lord at 7.00pm
Holy Saturday Easter Vigil at 7.00 pm
Easter Sunday: Dawn Mass at 6.00 am at Nobber Old Cemetery
Mass at 8.30 am and 11.00 am
Holy Thursday
Mass of the Lord’s Supper in Oldcastle at 8.30pm and in Moylagh at 7.00pm; Adoration will
conclude at 12 midnight preceded by night prayer at 11.30pm; Confessions after Mass
Good Friday
Stations of the Cross at 3.00pm in Oldcastle followed by Confessions
The Passion of the Lord at 8.30pm in Oldcastle and in Moylagh at 7.00pm
Holy Saturday
Easter Vigil at 9.00pm in Oldcastle and at 7.00pm in Moylagh
Easter Sunday
Masses at 11.30am in Oldcastle and 10.00am in Moylagh
Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper in Kilberry at 8.00pm
Good Friday Way of the Cross in Kilberry at 11.00am
The Passion of the Lord in Oristown at 8.00pm
Holy Saturday Easter Vigil in Oristown at 8.00pm
Holy Thursday
Mass of the Lord’s Supper: The Island at 6.00pm, Mucklagh at 7.30pm, Killina at 8.00pm
Good Friday
The Passion of the Lord: Mucklagh at 3.00 pm, Killina at 3.00pm, The Island 6.00pm
Taizé Prayer around the Cross in Killina at 7.30pm
Way of the Cross and Communion Service in Mucklagh at 7.30pm
Holy Saturday
Confessions: Mucklagh 11 - 12.00 noon, Killina 9.30-10.30am, The Island 2.00pm-3.00pm
Easter Vigil: The Island at 6.00pm, Mucklagh at 7.30pm, Killina at 9.00pm
Easter Sunday: Killina at 10.30am, Mucklagh at 9.00am and 12 noon
Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord's Supper in Rathkenny at 7.30pm
Vigil at the Altar of Repose until 11.00pm
Confessions from 8.00pm until 9.00pm
Night Prayer at 11.00pm
Good Friday Morning Prayer at 10.00am
Way of the Cross at 12 noon
The Passion of the Lord at 3.00pm
Holy Saturday Morning Prayer at 10.00am
Confessions from 2.00pm until 4.00pm
Easter Vigil at 9.00pm
Confessions on Mon; Tue and Wed after morning
Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord's Supper, 8.00pm, followed by Adoration until 10pm
Good Friday Way of the Cross, 3.00pm
The Passion of the Lord, 8.00pm
Holy Saturday Confessions 11.30am - 12.30pm
Easter Vigil, 8.00pm
Easter Sunday Masses 9.00am; 11.00am and 12.15pm
Holy Thursday Mass of Lord's Supper at 7.30pm in Rochfortbridge
Good Friday Stations of Cross in Meedin at 10.30am
Prayers at Fr Shanley's Grave in Carrick 12 noon
Celebration of Lord's Passion at 3pm in Rochfortbridge
Stations of Cross in Milltownpass at 7.30pm
Holy Saturday Confessions in Rochfortbridge from 11 am to 12 noon
Easter Vigil at 9pm in Rochfortbridge
Holy Thursday Celebration of the Lord's Supper - 8.00pm in Slane
Good Friday Stations and Veneration of the Cross - 3pm in Monknewtown
The Passion of the Lord - 8.30pm in Slane
Holy Saturday Lighting of the Paschal Fire on the Hill of Slane – 7.00pm (weather
permitting) Easter Vigil - 7.30pm in Slane
Easter Sunday 9.30am in Monknewtown and 11am in Slane
Good Friday; 3pm Monknewtown and 8.30pm Slane
Holy Saturday; 7pm Lighting the Fire on the Hill of Slane & 7.30pm in the Church.
Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7pm in Stamullen, followed by adoration.
Good Friday The Passion of the Lord at 3pm in Julianstown
Holy Saturday Easter Vigil at 9.00pm in Stamullen
Easter Vigil a 9.00pm in Julianstsown
Easter Sunday Stamullen 10.00am
Julianstown at 11.30am
Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper Coole at 7.30pm and Dangan at 8.30pm
Good Friday The Passion of the Lord in Coole at 3pm and in Dangan at 8pm
Holy Saturday Confesssions in Dangan at 3pm
Easter Vigil in Coole at 7.30pm and Dangan at 8.30pm
Monday 7pm Our Mission of Mercy concludes today with our Penitential Service
for Holy Week and Easter. The Mission Ceremony will begin at 7pm
and will be led by Eddie Stones, Emmanuel House, Clonfert. There
will be visiting priests present for individual confessions. All are
Wednesday 7pm The Mass of Chrism will be celebrated by Bishop Michael Smith in the
Cathedral, Mullingar at 7pm. The Bishop will bless the oils used for
the Sacraments throughout the year. All Special Ministers, Readers and
Adorers are invited by the Bishop to attend.
Holy Thursday
St Patrick’s Church:10am Morning Prayer
7pm * Solemn Mass of the Lord’s Supper with procession to
the Altar of Repose. Adoration at the Altar of Repose
concluding with night prayer at 10pm.
5pm Solemn Mass of the Lord’s Supper.
* Collection at Masses for the Parish Meals on Wheels Service
Good Friday
St Patrick’s Church:10am Morning Prayer
12 noon Ecumenical Outdoor Stations - commencing at
St Patrick’s Cathedral, Loman St and finish at St
Patrick’s Church, Patrick St.
3pm & 7pm Commemoration of the Passion of the Lord
5pm Commemoration of the Passion of the Lord
Confessions after both 3pm & 7pm ceremonies in
St Patrick’s Church.
Holy Saturday
Day of prayer and reflection as we keep vigil at the tombof the Lord.
St Patrick’s Church:
10am Morning prayer
Confessions - 11-12noon, 2-4pm in St Patrick’s Church.
8pm EASTER VIGIL (Candles will be available).
Easter Sunday
St Patrick’s, Trim—Masses 9am, 11am and 12.30pmBoardsmill—Mass at 10am
Polish Ceremonies in Trim for Holy Week
Holy Saturday
Confessions in Polish 11-12 noon
Holy Saturday
Blessing of Food 12 noon
Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord's Supper 7.30 pm
Good Friday. 3.00 pm Good Friday Ceremonies
7.00 pm Stations of the Cross
Holy Saturday Easter Vigil: 9.00 pm
Holy Thursday Rosemount. 6.45pm Mass of The Last Supper, (Adoration until 11pm)
Tubber. 8.30pm Mass of the Last Supper. (Adoration until 10.30pm)
Night Prayer of the Church at 10.30 pm in Tubber & 11 pm in
Good Friday. Morning Prayer in Tubber at 10 am
Rosemount 3pm Stations of The Cross
& 6.45pm The Passion of the Lord
Tubber 12 noon Stations of The Cross
& 8.30pm The Passion of the Lords
Holy Saturday Morning Prayer at 10 am in Rosemount
Easter Vigil: Rosemount 6.45pm and Tubber 8.30pm
Easter Sunday Rosemount 10am and Tubber 11.15am
Monday of Holy Week Mass for the Sick at 2 pm
Tuesday of Holy Week Reconciliation Day
- Penance Service at 7.30 am; 10 am & 7.30 pm
Priest available in Church throughout the day
Holy Thursday Morning Prayer at 10.00am
Mass of the Lord’s Supper in Tullamore at 7.30pm, Durrow at 7.00pm
and in the Hospital at 4.00pm and Riada House at 2.30 pm
Night Prayer at 10.00pm
Good Friday Morning Prayer at 10.00am
Stations of the Cross at 12.00 noon led by young people
The Passion of the Lord in Tullamore 3.00pm and 7.30pm; Durrow at
7pm, Riada House at 3.00 pm and in the Hospital at 4.00pm
Ecumenical walk of witness by Candlelight at 9.00pm beginning at St
Catherine’s Church, Hophill and walking through the streets of the
town with a pause for prayer in each church and concluding in the
Church of the Assumption
Holy Saturday Morning Prayer at 10.00am
Penitential Service at 12.00 noon
Polish Community Food Blessing at 4 pm
Confessions 2-6pm
Easter Vigil in Tullamore at 9.00pm
Easter Sunday Dawn Mass 6.00am at Axis Business Park, the site of the original
church in Tullamore
Morning Mass in Tullamore at 8.30am, 10.00am, 11.30am, 1.00pm;
Durrow at 11.30am and Hospital at 9.00am
Holy Thursday Tyrrellspass - Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 6.30pm
Raheenmore – Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 5.00pm
Good Friday Tyrrellspass - The Passion of the Lord at 6.30pm
Way of the Cross at 9.30pm. Confessions after Ceremonies
Raheenmore 3 pm
Holy Saturday Easter Vigil in Tyrrellspass at 6.30pm
Easter Sunday Tyrrellspass at 10.00am
Raheenmore at 9.00am