'Lemon' Reilly celebrates Ireland's Italia 90 win over Romania

Memories of growing up in Kells

Last week we looked back at some favourite memories of growing up in Navan and this week its the turn of Kells. Did you buy your ice-cream in May Caffrey's or play hide and seek at Grove Lane.

Help us add to the list by sharing your memories of growing up in Kells.

1. The ‘Lemon’ Reilly climbing to the top of the Cross after Ireland beat Romania during Italia ‘90.

2. Eating Strawberry Sherbets, Pear Drop and Apple drops out of Sean McCarthy’s shop on Farrell Street.

3. Having a feast at Frank’s chipper van after Flix / The Vibe.

4. Fights after school in the old graveyard.

5. Playing snooker in Taypots or up the back of Joe Murphy’s.

6. Going to the local panto


7. Buying panini football stickers in Dom Tighe’s and swapping all your doubles at school.

8. Eating ice-cream at May Caffrey’s or getting an apple tart out of Mrs Brown’s shop on Suffolk Street.

9. Playing soccer on the fair green until after dark.

10. Football matches at Gaeil Colmcille

The 1979 Gael Colmcilles Div 2 FC Champions

11. Noel Rourke’s summer soccer leagues

12. The youth club in O’Growney Terrace

13. Community Games at Kells Swimming Pool and the Running Field

14. Market Cross when it was still on Cross Street

15. Worm hunt in Flanagan’s field

16. Playing hide and seek in the Grove Lane

17. Playing pitch and putt in Monaghan’s or the Gaelic Centre. (The course at Monaghan’s on the Cavan Road was always much harder)

18. Throwing flour and eggs at your school friends on their birthday in Eureka

19. Going into Dorans Shop in Gardenrath with £1 and coming out with bags of sweets, mr freezes, 10p bars and crisps.

20.  Jack Murphys was the meeting point after school.

21. Getting all the latest football jersey’s in ‘Good Sports’

St Colmcille

St Colmcille's primary school team that won the Meath Div 1 primary schools title in 1988/89